cardio vs weights

  • Ive been working out for a few mths now and i only usually do weights once or twice a week. Is that ok? I do cardio about 5-6 days. I want to lose a lot of weight so i have some time. I take the classes at the gym and they only have 1 weight lifting class.

    Any thoughts as to this?
  • I think to build muscle (which will greatly help with fat loss), you need to do strength training at least 2 days a week (I do 3). I alternate cardio and strength days, working out 6 days a week. Depending on how I feel after my lifts, I sometimes do 15 to 20 minutes of cardio on those days too.
  • what weight exercises did u follow? im just so lost with weights.
  • Right now I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme (it's a dvd series). I have 4 more weeks of the program.

    After that, I'm starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women (it's a program outlined in a book by the same name). I'm REALLY excited about that one!

    Are you lifting at the gym? Are you using free weights or the machine circuit? Personally, I think the free weights are more effective, but the machines can be less intimidating

    If it's an option, it might be beneficial to purchase a session or two with a trainer to show you the ropes.

    Good luck!
  • From what I've read, 2 workouts a week are the minimum required to ensure you don't lose muscle while losing weight. If you want to gain muscle, you might want to do a little more. Regardless you will want to make sure you are lifting to your potential to get the maximum benefit. I do 3-4 resistance training sessions a week. I've gotten a LOT stronger since I started. My gym uses cable machines which I love because they provide the instability benefit you'd get from free weights with the ease of using a machine. Sometimes if you go to the manufacturer website of the gym equipment you use, it will have suggested workouts and illustrations in case you are unsure how to use it.

    BluCypressLily mentioned "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and that's the next book I'm going to buy. It gets great reviews.
  • Does that book show you what to do or just tell you what you should be doing?
  • Breanna - The New Rules of Lifting for Women shows you what to do and has a 6 month weight lifting program in the book which progresses as the weeks go by. I highly recommend it.
  • Quote: Ive been working out for a few mths now and i only usually do weights once or twice a week. Is that ok? I do cardio about 5-6 days. I want to lose a lot of weight so i have some time. I take the classes at the gym and they only have 1 weight lifting class.

    Any thoughts as to this?
    I have been hearing that although you burn a lot of calories while actually doing cardio, you burn more calories in the long run from weight lifting. Apparently, your body works hard to recover after a weight lifting session and that burns more than cardio. IDK, I haven't done much research into it yet.

    I have been shooting for three days of weights, three of cardio... but it usually turns into two and two. I have really been getting some good results from doing both. I also find it is nice to switch back and forth so I am not just doing the same thing everyday (ie. one day cardio, one day weights)

    Do you belong to a gym? If so, they may work with you to figure out a routine. My gym includes a weight routine that I meet with the trainer person to switch up every six weeks. Right now, I focusing on my arms, b/c I am going to be in my sis's wedding soon... I want my arms and back to look good in my dress. Now I want to flex my arms and show everyone my muscles... I am such a dork!
  • I place heavy emphasis on both. One week I think lifting is more important and the next I think it's I just do a lot of both.

    Lifting has done amazing things to tone all that muscle underneath the fat. It is so exciting that now that the fat is melting off, I have been left with some pretty muscles underneath. You don't see the benefits at first, but you will! And I lose sizes really fast, though the scale doesn't always reflect that.
  • I agree about that- I can feel how much stronger I'm getting and my arms are starting to get defined in spite of the fat. I can't wait to see what it all looks like after I lose the fat.
  • Quote: I agree about that- I can feel how much stronger I'm getting and my arms are starting to get defined in spite of the fat. I can't wait to see what it all looks like after I lose the fat.
    Me too! It's so exciting--I've got a cut right where my medial deltoid is...there's still fat there, but the cut is definitely muscle definition and not a fat roll. I was so excited when I first noticed it
  • I got the book today. About to start reading
  • It's a great book I'm on week two of the program and I'm enjoying it so far. It's a tough work out, but you'll notice your body starting to shape up really nicely.

    I was doing shoulder presses yesterday and could see my muscles moving! I've never seen that before! I'm getting smaller as well, the scale did a nice drop at first but now not so much (I really struggle with weight loss the lighter I get). But I'm fine with that, my body is literally transforming so it's not just about the number. Though that number will get lower with time