Your favoirte part

  • So I've seen the posts about what we are afraid your body will look like when the weight is FIANLLY gone and the posts about what we don't like about our new bodies.

    So I think it's time we post what our FAVORITE 'new' body part is.

    This might sound kind of silly but the first time I lost I really noticed a difference in my feet. As I was losing the weight my feet seemed to be getting skinnier too. Well this time around while my feet are still getting skinnier with every pound I lose so are my hands. I love looking at my hands. My fingers are long, lean and tan. My wedding ring stands out beautifully as do my nails. Which I am also very proud of but for a different reason. I was a nail bitter until I had my tonsils out last year. I think my hands are looking more and more like my grandma's and that makes me smile too.

    Your turn...
  • My collar bones and shoulders are starting to show more. I'm less hunchy looking. lol.

    And I'm in love with my tummy. It used to always look like it was frowning, but now it's flatter and I see a little belly button. I seem to carry a lot of weight on my tummy but I find it very cute and pokeable now. I'm so vain. ;P

    Between the two, I'd have to pick my tummy because I can wear all kinds of jeans and t-shirts without worrying about the funny shape it'll make. lol.
  • I'd have to say my legs are my favorite. They've started to muscle up lately, though I do have to work on my inner theighs alot.
  • I have to say my hands and feet as well. I finally got my wedding ring back on, and my ankles don't swell so much any more. It's nice to have a summer, where I don't have to dislodge the buckles from my sandals out of the tops of my feet at the end of the day.

    Collar bones - heck to the YES! Nice to see those if they could just send a letter to my hip bones...
  • I've really been enjoying watching my belly get smaller/flatter. My arms, too. I have always had big/freakishly strong arms. Instead of fighting my arms, I am lifting heavy weights. I figure if I am going to have big arms anyways, I would rather they be muscle instead of fat. Also - having a 26lb toddler has really helped with the arms. I am noticing a huge difference. I like to flex my muscle and look at them. Lol! not very feminine of me - but whatevs.

    And my butt/thighs... I have been running - so I like to watch the cottage cheese go away...

    Good grief - I sound full of myself.