i am out of control. advice would be great.

  • I have been eating so well! Then yesterday came and I went to the store and I buy crap, and don't track any calories. Then today I started a new job, forgot my lunch at home, ate crap all day and now feel sick. Once again, I didn't track calories. I WANT to be thin and feelin good by christmas when hubby and I fly home to see family. If I want it, why do I let food temptatikons get in the way??

    A big trigger of mine is soda. I need to quit ALL soda, but I'm seriously addiccted. Any encouraging words would be great.
  • I think the best thing to do is that if you forget your lunch is to know of a local place where you can still get something that won't make you go off plan. I usually go to my local El Pollo Loco, get a cesar salad minus the dressing, and 2 grilled chicken legs. That's 450 calories and like 20 grams of carbs, If I cut out the legs the salad is 370 calories- I put salsa on it for dressing. (I eat low carb)
  • Hi Brittany, first of all, congrats on losing 11.2 pounds! That's awesome. Obviously you're doing something right. One or two days off track is not so bad. You can do it. Just start tomorrow and tell yourself you will do it. Plan for it, just pack a healthy lunch, and check that you have it before you leave. Good luck tomorrow.
  • I know what you mean about the soda. For years all I would drink from morning to night was Diet Pepsi.

    Finally one day I just committed to eliminate all soda and only drink water or herbal teas. That was 1 year ago and I don't look for anything other than water now.

    I did notice that after I quit drinking soda, it was easier to lose weight and it broke my plateau. Honestly water is so good for you, and nothing refeshes you like a nice cold glass of water.

    I managed to get through day 1 without a binge, don't feel bad about failing sometimes. Losing weight is a long term battle and just stick to your goals.

    Hang in there.
  • Hello Brittany,
    Congratulations on your weight loss progress so far!! Keep it up!
    You have already receive great advice from the others that have already posted here, but here are my two cents:

    * Scratch today altogether and start fresh tomorrow. You have an opportunity (and we all do too) to start anew. I truly believe that probably one of the main enemies of any weight loss program is our tendency to be too hard on ourselves when we have setbacks and allow these experiences to dominate our emotions and take over our behavior. Get up tomorrow and give yourself an opportunity to do things right!!

    * I am with you with the soda addiction. I was totally addicted to Diet Coke. I stopped drinking it 6 months ago and don't regret it. I also feel that drinking soda makes me crave unhealthy food, especially high processed carbs. If you can make it 30 days without it, chances are you can take control over your dependency.

    Wish you the best!

    Caribbean Girl
  • Good luck not binging girl! Im working on the same thing right now. If only we could just set our cravings to "off" right?

  • I'm in the same boat as you.
    My brain just craves junk food, unfortunately.
    Just start new and refreshed tomorrow!