New scale suggestions

  • I'm having to buy a new bathroom scale (are they even called that still?)
    Anyway . . . I was wondering what people's prefferences are, and which brands have found to be more accurate.

  • I'm very happy with my Eat Smart scale that I got from amazon. Nice screen, very accurate, easy to read.
  • I have a Tanita digital. I've weighed on it the same days as I've weighed on the doctor's scales and the weights were identical, it measures in .2 increments.
  • Quote: I have a Tanita digital. I've weighed on it the same days as I've weighed on the doctor's scales and the weights were identical, it measures in .2 increments.
    me too. it does BMI but I'm suspicious about that, though it can be an indicator how much water I might be retaining. I've had it for a few years now and it gets quite a bit of use, heh heh.
  • I too have a Tanita scale - it's extremely accurate and I would never use another brand.

    It comes with Body fat percentage, which is waaaaay off, so I ignore that.
  • Im going to take a look for a Tanita tonight - I want to move my ticker ha ha!

    Thanks for the input ladies
  • another vote for Tanita! Yeah, the body fat is kinda a joke (I hope) but it does measure a trend - as in, I am higher now than I was when I was skinnier, ha ha.

    I've had mine for at least 5 years.

    If you get those Bed Bath and Beyond 20% off coupons in Canada that flood our mailboxes in the States - that's how I got my scale for cheaper...
  • I am in LOVE with my scale! I bought the Tanita Large Capacity scale.
    It's a little pricey at $85.00 (it was $75.00 when I bought it), but it is hands down the very best scale I have ever owned. It stores the reading of your last weigh in and shows it. It will store readings for up to five people. I never get a different reading, at all. For me it was also important that it accurately weigh over 300 lbs. It has a 440 capacity. Of course you don't need that, but it's just the BEST scale, would never buy another!
  • I just bought the cheapest digital scale they had at K Mart... under $20 and with-in a pound of the one at the Doctor's office. It varies a bit if I move it around and I don't 100% trust the first weight it gives me. But I used the money I saved to buy more fresh veggies....
  • Quote: I have a Tanita digital. I've weighed on it the same days as I've weighed on the doctor's scales and the weights were identical, it measures in .2 increments.
    Same here. Love my Tanita.