It's The Weekend! Let's Chat!

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  • Good morning Ruth and all who follow

    My teen is now on an oral steroid and took 4 baths in Aveeno yesterday. Oh, and Benedryl. He is uncomfortable but this too shall pass. I did miss biking but sometimes being a mom comes first Rain maybe today so I will cross fingers I get back out tomorrow.

    My eating yesterday was bad, bad, bad. I never cease to amaze myself with how much I can binge on OP food. At least I have not crossed the line back to the refined stuff. Sigh. I am participating in an online challenge (blog world) starting tomorrow and am confident I will meet the very specific goals I am setting. My voice of optimism.

    Hey Linda! Darn, you reminded me I really should clean my house today.
  • Morning all. Nothing much for fun today...have to bathe a smelly little dog. Poor baby gets a couple of baths a week, but with his skin problems I have no choice. Luckily he likes baths.

    Need to run out and get some flax seeds to grind. I want to try that flax foccacia (sic?) bread today. Weather looks iffy. no telling if it's going to storm or not.

    My friend with misothelioma came over yesterday evening. He had a huge case of cabin fever, and finally felt well enough to venture out. I hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks and he didn't look very good at all. Has lost tons of weight (and he was skinny to begin with), had a yellowish color to his skin. He has to face a 3rd round of chemo in a few weeks and is just not eating well at all. Says nothing stays down long. I tried to convice him to let me bring him smoothies full of good stuff a couple of times a day and he wouldn't buy into it. I love him, but he's stubborn as h*ll. He really needs to build up his stregnth before this next round and I'm scared it's just going to kill him.
  • Hello!

    The reunion was really, really nice yesterday. Lots of good conversation, laughter and way, way too much good food. I ate more than I should have, but not more than I'd planned to, so that's a victory for me even if it's a dubious one. LOL

    Linda, the weather here seems very hot and humid to Fergie and me, but everyone keeps saying how much nicer and more comfortable it is than it has been. I think we're just spoiled by our normal summer in Maine weather.

    We're taking my mother in law for a ride and then out for ice cream in a little while, and other than that just having a relaxed day today.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend friends!
  • Sorry about your friend Femmecr.! I hope he gets better! My best friend Gwen gave me a 20 dollar gift card to Walmart, so guess where I'm going today, lol.
  • Ruthie, tell us how the b-day party went!
  • Home from the birthday brunch which was just lovely. We sat on the grass under the trees beside the lake. (Did I even mention I live in paradise?) Of course the 90 year old birthday babe insisted I have some cake - it was definitely worth the calories.
  • Hello all Just got back from the weekend camping trip. Had loads of fun with our friends - walking, swimming, kayaking, hiking and drinking wine The mosquitoes definitely kept us up at night so I'm glad to be home and look forward to sleeping in my own bed. Now to catch up
  • Cat - sorry to hear about your friend. Scary stuff, right there. You're a great friend.


    Ate pizza last night. Only 1.5 slices but felt like crap this morning. My fingers were bloated for the first time in at least a month. I'm sure I'll be making up for it for the next few days.
  • Hi Everyone

    I finally took a minute to sit down. I'm having my afternoon snack. I think I'll move to the couch very soon. Nothing spectacular here-I'm reorganizing the kitchen while Mom watches baseball and Rudi watches Mom.
  • Nice Ruthie! Glad u had fun! How was the snack Debbie?