I am a binge eater. . .

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  • I have started doing strength training today. I'm already sore! I want to walk 6 days a week. I have a horse thats injured and she has to be walked regularly or she gets stiff. She can go fast at a walk. I put shoes on her today, her and the dog are going to be my walking buddies.

    I used to jog, I took my horse(different one) and off we'd go. It lasted for 2 weeks, then on the way home, she would take off running and leave me to jog the rest of the way. I guess she preffered to run on the way home, wish I had her energy!!
  • I understand how you feel. I sometimes binge on things like pasta or potatoes. It depends on whether I feel bored, upset, reward myself, or feel alone. I try not to let these feelings overcome me. I am a writer. So I write when I feel like the binge come on. I might not stop it, but I try to. Good luck hon.
  • Although I hate to see others struggle with the same thing I'm struggling with at the same time it is a relief to know that I am not alone.

    I actually binged tonight and decided to come on here and check out this part of the board b/c I feel like I need to connect with others who "truly" understand what I am going through.

    Basically with me I have lost the majority of my weight with low carb and no carbs at times. I find that I tend to use low carb as a way of extreme dieting. One could say instead of bingeing and purging or starving I low carb to offset my binges.

    There is no particular reason, dark life, stress etc... that causes me to binge I binge when I'm happy, sad, bored etc..... Low carbing actually helps with the cravings but then I get bored with the eating or I find myself in a situation where there are temptations or I'm not prepared (menu wise) and end up resorting to snacking and it taste so good that I can't stop.

    Like literally I get in this zone and I can't stop eating and then I'm on the hunt for more and more until I feel numb mentally.

    It's miserable and I hate losing and gaining the same weight over and over. When I'm in that binge zone it's like I know it's bad and I know the consequences (bloating, water gain, face breaking out etc....) but when I'm stuffing my face I DON'T CARE!!! All I want is that instant gratification but then when it's over it's like this dark cloud comes over me and I get really depressed and down and dissapointed in myself then I go back to low carb and sometimes eating only protein and fats (once losing 17lbs in one week and an add'l 5 lbs the next week).

    I'll stick with it for a while losing the weight and reversing all of the temporary damage from the binge and start feeling optimistic then BAM!!!! The cycle starts all over again.

    I can only imagine the damage I'm doing internally. Anyway I feel little better now that I finally decided to actually post on this side of the board after typing this out I don't have that urger to get another bowl of cereal or eat another burger and for that I am grateful.

    I really hope we all can find our way to freedom from the prison of bingeing! I look forward to reading other people experiences and hopefully help each other through this.
  • I went on vacation last week, it didnt take long and I was not eating low carb any more. I never binged, my HB was there, so binging was not allowed, he gets angry. I did eat crackers for snack (stupid, but tastey), I dought if I gained more than water weight, but Its still depressing.

    I ended p getting a UTI the day before we returned and didn't get to a Dr. until the day after we returned, so I'm still sore and not able to excercise to help myself along. Maybe tomorrow?

    I'm hoping that I can get back onto plan without binging, its hard getting back on track. I still want to loose the weight! Oh ya, and to never binge again!!
  • I've been trying since Monday to get back on track(todays Thursday). I've been binging every evening like clockwork. It sucks!!! Tonight is the first night that I havn't had a major urge to binge.

    I went shopping at 3 this afternoon, ate a large snack before I went. I never had urges while we were out, even with the "I wants" going on behind me. A couple of days and I can get back into ketosis (I low carb), I bought some good foods to help me along, no junk food for my HB. He will live till I get back on track again. We are selling at a flee market this weekend and I am staying on plan. We are grilling everything and i'm not drinking.

    Before we left for our trip, I actually hit 199lbs. I was so excited. . . now I'm at 210, again. I'm sure most of its water weight, but it still sucks and my pants don't fit again.

    My back has been out since the trip(crappy beds), got to the chiropractor, he helped, but I'm still sore. Not in pain, but I'm feeling it. When I work out, I can tell theres still something wrong, I can't go back for a full week though. I have no energy for excercise with pain.

    When it rains it pours.
  • Oh my gosh- thank you for sharing this. I am SO glad I'm not alone... on so many things. It makes me not feel completely crazy.

    My husband is also very tall and genetically thin. He can eat ANYTHING and everything he wants and never gain an ounce. He doesn't understand.

    I'm with you on the taking one bite - if I even start on a piece of chocolate, a snack, anything- it's all I can think about. I absolutely obsess about it until I go back into the kitchen and finish it off. I cannot think about anything else other than the junk food that is in my house. I can't even concentrate on homework or the movie I'm watching. Sometimes, I even hide candy in the kitchen cupboards or my bedroom drawers so nobody knows how much I'm eating. Or, I'll buy extra snacks at the grocery store and gobble them up while I'm driving home. It's embarrassing to admit.

    I'm just glad I found this site - it's comforting to know that I'm not alone.
  • I'm so happy I'm not alone on this. I bing, horribly! I would also plan outings so I could buy junk. Typically, candy and soda. But I made a promis to myself, and everyone on here that I would stop, and so far so good. I don't have anything that has happened that has made me like this, I just enjoy food. I like the taste of candy, carbs, and soda. My husband also struggles with his weight so we are able to work on it togetherr. Anyway, I hope all of you can get on top of the binging!
  • I can totally relate to everything you said right down to not wanting my husband to know how much I eat! I sneak snack seconds (and thirds...). Usually I do great all day even in the face of vending machines and coworkers bringing in treats.

    But i sometimes just get really hungry at night and I will be like 'i will have one ice cream bar on a stick, its only 100 calories' and then I will want another and another.... I have even been known to binge on Cheerios...lol so it isn't a matter of getting stuff out of the house, I think I have pretty healthy stuff I just want to eat a lot of it. I really need to learn to be okay with not being full. I feel like i'm 'hungry' unless I'm full (to the point where I can feel it). I need to wait until I hear my tummy rumbling before I eat I guess. It usually does do that in the mornings, but at night its not rumbling I just feel hungry.

    Good luck and thanks for posting!
  • I have the binge eating problem myself, and I really see how it's connected to my mood. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this!

    I had an episode yesterday, and ate 3500 calories worth of mostly crap. Started out well with oatmeal, then a sub at lunch sent me teetering on the edge. The afternoon was an all-out free for all, with chips, chocolate, avocado, pretzels and nutella, and ending in a giant Wendys order (double burger meal).

    It was gross, but it is what it is. I payed for it today, both emotionally and physically (my body is unhappy with my choices!). I was experiencing pretty bad PMS, was fighting with my SO for days, and as soon as I got myself alone I tried to self-medicate. It didn't work!

    I gotta deal with my problems in a healthier way. Next time I am going to avoid being alone (maybe go to a coffee shop and get some tea), or have a nap, or go for a walk.
  • Me too, I binge a lot. I look forward to when my dh is on travel, then I can eat whatever I want when ever I want.

    I really try to limit what I have in the house, but that doens't seem to help much because then I just mindlessly eat what ever I can find.

    It's like my mouth wants something in it and you'd think that gum would work but it doesn't.

    If I can stay out of the kitchen/family room I tend to do better. At work I stay away from the snack area-where people bring goodies. If I don't see it, sometimes I can stop myself from starting.

    For me it's easier to stop it in the first place then to stop in the middle. It's like once I've started eating I can't stop.

    Know that you are not alone. Many of us have the same problem and we are working through it too.

    Good luck
  • I can relate to this topic. What frustrates me is that I get afraid to have certain foods in the house. Which can get expensive if you can't buy the economy size of something because you're afraid you'll eat it up too soon.

    We were watching part of "Thelma and Louise" on TV this weekend & Thelma seemed to have the same problem, before she left her jerk of a husband. She was on the phone to him trying to get up the courage to ask him if she could take a trip with Louise. She kept going to the freezer to take out a candy bar for "just one bite" but no sooner than she'd shut the freezer door, she would open it again 2 seconds later and take another bite. It was funny but painfully familiar.

    Some of this has to be emotional, obviously; but surely a lot of it is addiction to sugar and salt that's in snack foods.
  • I binge too. It's so hard. It just is what I is. You are all not alone.

  • I keep hoping one of these times, I can stick with clean eating and not get the emotional cravings and my willpower will withstand everything else. It hasn't happened yet. I was doing great for. . . 3 days, no, I didn't quite make 3 days. I wanted goodies soooo bad. I drove 10 mls just to get ice cream. I couldn't binge because my family was with me, but I got what I could without looking like a pig. Did the same today, I was determined to eat clean today, I didn't binge, but after I picked up the kids from school, the van, automaticly, drove to the gas station and forced me to get the ice cream.
  • hi likedmesmaller, I feel your pain! While I haven't binged in a while (maybe a mini binge here and there of eating something I know I shouldn't, sometimes in an amount that I shouldn't), it doesn't mean I am out of the woods.

    What I have found works best for me is wearing my Body Media GoWear Fit armband. This armband measures all of the activity I do all day long, because we don't just burn calories when we workout, we burn them doiung everyday things, and just by living. This device measures the caloric expenditure every day, and I record my foods. At the end of the day, the goal is to have a certain calorie defict, more burned than consumed. The amount of the deficit depends on how much weight you want to lose and how fast, within normal healthy ranges of course.

    That has been the best thing for me, it measures things like calories used, steps, amount of vigorous and moderate activity, and even sleep patterns. It is so fun so see the activity measure at the end of the day! Try to get your hubby involved in your weight loss efforts, my boyfriend and I have been going for nightly walks, it is a great way to get exercise and to just have the two of you, time to just talk with no TV, no cellphones, etc. It is the best part of my day!

    I have been through the workout videos, pills, shakes, you name it, I have tried it! But I am now learning that it doesn't have to be all that- it can be as simple as taking a walk-just as long as it is something I can do everyday, and WILL do everyday.

    What kind of riding do you do? I have two horses also! I ride english, mostly dressage.
  • Quote: I keep hoping one of these times, I can stick with clean eating and not get the emotional cravings and my willpower will withstand everything else. It hasn't happened yet. I was doing great for. . . 3 days, no, I didn't quite make 3 days. I wanted goodies soooo bad. I drove 10 mls just to get ice cream. I couldn't binge because my family was with me, but I got what I could without looking like a pig. Did the same today, I was determined to eat clean today, I didn't binge, but after I picked up the kids from school, the van, automaticly, drove to the gas station and forced me to get the ice cream.
    Do you tend to binge more at the end of the day? That is my problem time! I have had success the past week or two with making sure I eat all day, I try for every two to three hours...it has really been working! But as you know, sometimes another binge is a minute away! I am really trying to pinpoint what causes it! So frustrating!