Fashion Know-it-alls; I need your help!

  • So, I just picked up a pair of boots brand new at good will for 6$! SCORE! They can be worn two ways which I've shown one on each leg. The top folds over, or goes up to the knee. I've been looking for some forever, however.... what should I wear with them! I'm going out tonight, and I'd like to wear them, but I am clueless. I don't have any shorts that fit any more really, I have a few dresses. I'm totally willing to go shopping for these boots, advice please!

  • i vote folded. great legs, btw.
  • I think a short mini skirt would look sweet! Perhaps you could find one at the Good will. I love those places!!!!!!

    Oh nice boots!!!!!
  • I second - folded!
  • Sweeeeet boots! Nice find.

    I like them folded. Cute skirt or dress would work.
  • I like them folded, too, with shorts or a mini skirt. When it starts to get cold in the fall then I would wear them the other way.
  • totally love them folded and omg totally jealous of your legs!!! nice stems you got there.

    you could wear them with a mini skirt, or get a nice at the knee or above the knee flowy dress. or a shirt dress with some shorts. ahaha, you have tons of ways to wear them. but seriously awesome buy!!
  • i second the shirt dress! i think boho inspired dresses would work well too. nice legs, btw.
  • Love those boots! Wear them the first way I think.
  • I wouldn't consider myself a fashion expert, but I find the folded one to be more appealing. Also, I really love the look of wearing boots like that with shorts and some kind of button up shirt, much like what you're wearing in those photos.
  • Garstar, great job on the weight loss!

    The boots rock! I'm partial to the folded style for summer. In agreement with Bargoo, to wear 'em full and high as the weather gets chilly.

  • Such great advice! Geez *blushes* thanks for the leg comments I wasn't fishing for any btw!

    I think I'm going to buy some shirt dresses to go with them, I have some boho style dresses already. I guess I should buy some shorts that don't fall off too, darn - time to go shopping!

    I like the idea of folding them in the fall, I would have never thought about that. maybe with some tights too. yay.