Everyday Exercisers ~ October!

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  • Good morning! And a very happy (late) birthday to you! *sigh* It's my birthday too (on Saturday) but I'm turning 27! Yikes! How did I ever get this old?

    Glad to hear that you're alright what with Emmett "beating" you over the head and all! Good excuse to ask for an u/s though! Good luck getting it...

    As for the swimming thing, that sounds great. Wish we lived close together, then we could go swimming together! I haven't been in ages, and you made me start thinking about going back to aquajogging. Hmmmm... I've even got a maternity swimsuit that's not too scary, so maybe I should ask my mom if she wants to start going again. Be good for both of us, I suspect!
  • She wouldn't give me another u/s, lol. Very likely I will have another one towards the end though, to check on size! I'm debating whether it's good to find out the sex that close. Gives us a few days to buy some pink jammies if need be, or call my friend for her girl clothes that she offered. And we can maybe decide on a NAME!! LOL.

    My back is feeling a lot better. We have colds now, lol. It never ends!

    Trying to do some walking every day still. I don't have my maternity suit back yet and am debating if I want to buy one for $15 and if I will actually go. It would be nice though...
    In Christ,
  • I did it! Mom and I went to aquajogging last night, and it felt awesome to get into the water! I am definitely going again! The funniest parts were trying to stay upright in the water (my belly kept wanting to surface!) and when I came up the stairs to get out of the water, and I could feel myself getting soooooooooo heavy!

    Sorry you didn't get your extra u/s... Hopefully you'll still get a chance to take a peak! I kno wwhat you mean about the name thing though... we're set for a girl, but we're still really wavering on boys names! Could be "baby boy" for a little while!

  • Ooh glad the aquajogging went well!! I might have to spend the $15 on a suit and go, especially now that my friend/doula isn't leaving me for a whole month. I won't go alone. I'm scared to even go up and down stairs right now!!!
    I did a lot of walking this week, I'm really proud of myself. I broke down and bought maternity jeans (it's been in the 40's after being in the 80's LAST WEEKEND, lol) and they're a size 12!! With room!!! I busted out of so many sizes with Em...

    We're still not feeling so hot here. I wish we could boost up our immunities good. I had been giving him echinachea before this cold, maybe it shortened it? He threw up in the night though, but I think it was cause he was stealing cookies at a friend's house and had too many. Poor kid.
    In Christ,
  • Congrats on the jeans! Size 12? You must be soooo proud! Oh, and I definitely recommend going to the pool, if for nothing else but the weightlessness! I can't wait to go again tomorrow night!

    Wishing you guys better health!
  • Haha, dh is sick now!! Poor man. He did 2 overnight shifts this weekend, and was supposed to do his reg shift today (until 2:30 pm) and came in at 8:30 am. Nasty stomach bug going through his work. I'm just praying a lot and washing mine and Emmett's hands!!! LOL. It's not funny, really.

    Did you have a good birthday?? Happy belated birthday!!
    In Christ,
  • Ack! Your poor DH! You keep on washing and praying! You sure don't need to be sick again!

    My birthday was sort of boring... DH and I went to the city, did a little shopping, went for an awesome dinner (yum!) and then we were going to see a movie, but were too late, so we went o Walmart instead! We bought Monsters Inc, and took it home to watch... it was such a cute movie, have you seen it? Anyway, it was nice to spend so much time with DH...

    Had my aquajogging class last night, and it was great, except for the shortness of breath and the heartburn! Finally realized, about halfway through, that maybe wearing the belt under my belly wasn't the best idea... so I switched to right under my chest, and it was tons better! I had heartburn again last night when I laid on my left side... ah, the joys of pregnancy!
  • Dh is much better now! My dad got it later this week. I think I was getting it but I prayed against it and I was fine, whew!! LOL. Ugh, the heartburn. I hate it. Today I took Em out errand running and pushing the carts just killed my back! I can't believe that that is such a struggle.

    Can you believe I have not seen Monsters Inc yet!?? I've wanted to forever! We're thinking of getting Em a bunch of DVD's for Christmas to entertain him when I need to take care of the new baby (isn't that terrible???) and I'm thinking about that one.

    It sounds like you had a fun birthday though!!
    In Christ,
  • Oh, absolutely get Monsters Inc! You and your dh will enjoy that one too!

    I feel your pain! Literally! Finally got the nursery painted this weekend, and the crib set up, but boy, did it do a number on my muscles, which are still screaming! Good thing it's all for a good cause! Anyway, I'm taking this week off of aquajogging because of my muscle pain and my lack of sleep, but hopefully, I can get moving with other things... like decorating and doing laundry!
  • Well at least your nursery is done! I have no idea what to do with that. Em's in his crib with the side off (it converted). Maybe I should just buy another crib?? But then I'm scared Em would be in it all the time. I dunno. The baby will sleep somewhere I'm sure!

    I think I will get Monsters Inc, hehe. I need to start Christmas shopping. The whole thing is soooooooo surreal, LOL.
    In Christ,
  • I know! I gotta get moving too, since I want to have ALL of my Christmas shoppig done by the beginning of December, which is less than a month and a half away now! I'm probably about 1/3 done as of right now....

    I've been lazy this week... have had 4 terrible nights of sleep in a row, and am looking forward to the weekend, though it's gonna be a busy one too! So much to do, so little time!
  • I'm gonna have to cut back on the excercise. Whenever I try walking, picking up toys, unloading the dishwasher, I start getting contractions. A lot of them. I notice they start up when I'm active or stressed. I don't want to be put on bed rest! I go in next week.

    Thankfully, we got most of Em's Christmas shopping done this weekend. And with him, LOL. He's getting a slide and a big truck (good, good sale at Toys R Us!!) so now I just need to get him some stocking things, probably a coloring book, an apple and some M&M's. He's only 2.

    I just need to control my eating very well now...
  • Hey girls... mind if I join?

    Back on my regular board (I believe Pamela was over there originally too?), "Doin it the old fashioned way," I was pointed over here because of my prego status! At first I questioned this, because I am so far from an 'everyday exerciser' that I figured my presence here would be a good laugh But after checking it out, I found that it was nice to actually see conversations among pregnant folx here.. the pregnant and staying fit thread is SO slow!!

    The thing is, I'm a non-exerciser now that I'm pregnant.. and I keep saying I'm going to change that and start moving! But, tomorrow I'll be 27 weeks (due Jan 23, 2003) and so far, I'm still being lazy! Eeep! I've gained 28 pounds already so I really should get on the ball, before I'm too large to get started

    So, I hope you don't mind my butting in here... ?

  • Hi Christine, Welcome!
    Hmm, I think I did used to go to that board! It sounds familiar!
    Your due date isn't too far from ours. I feel much better about my weight this time than with ds. I gained a total of 61 pounds with him. It was *everywhere*. I've been looking at my postpartum pics with him and I'm just shocked. I still had 10 pounds to lose before I got pregnant this time, but I was in a smaller pant size than before ds. I've gained about 29 pounds at 33 weeks. I think making a point to do some sort of excercise every day really does help, even if it's just some plies or arm excercises or walking in place!!

    I'm feeling much better today!! Got a lot done in the house and dh and I did some walking before the concert we went to tonight. I didn't really get contractions until before bedtime, so that's why I'm here now.
    In Christ,
  • Hi Christine! Welcome to our group, and congrats on your pregnancy! I'm far from an everyday exerciser now too, simply because of fatigue and laziness!

    Basically, I just try to fit in little things, like parking further from my destination, and such... plus, I try to get to aquajogging class once a week or so... went on Tuesday, and the water was wonderful! I highly recommend swimming, especially since it lifts the weight off of you! I'm at 31.5 weeks, due Dec 23... and I'm up 24 (I think?) pounds...

    Pamela ~ Sorry to hear your having bad contractions! Hopefully you can avoid strict bedrest, but if it happens, well, we'll deal with it if it comes, right? Good for you getting the Christmas shopping done though... I'm still working on mine, but as long as I get it done by the beginning of Dec I'll be happy!