
  • Goodmorning my little internet family!

    I was curious. Can you lose weight while drinking alcohol if you fit it in your calories? For example, if I eat 1100 calories and have 4 Bud Select 55 beers (total of 220 calories), can I still lose weight? Does it really just come down to the amount of calories you consume?
  • Calories in vs. Calories out = a calorie is a calorie is a calorie... whether it comes from alcohol, veggies, chicken or a donut.

    The difference is that there are more filling choices you can make vs. what people consider to be "empty" calories.

    If you chose to drink 1100 calories worth of alcohol in a day and didn't go over your alloted amount... yes you will lose. It's just not recommended on a daily basis.
  • yay! Thanks! lol
  • But keep in mind the beer will still bloat your tummy! Hence the term "beer belly" I gave up drinking altogether. It did wonders for me!
  • As they said calories in v. calories out. But be careful if you're someone who tends to get muchie/go off plan when drinking!
  • Oh they def brought up some good points... as well as the fact that often, I weigh LESS if I weigh myself after a night of heavy drinking due to dehydration, then I will bounce back up and then level out a few days later. Be prepared for that.