
  • Well Ive not got the total hang of this site yet so forgive me if this is in the wrong place... Im starting my 3rd week of counting calories- & trying to get some more movement goin on but work has been crazy- anyways I've lost 6lbs so far , still got a long way to go- but I have noticed somethings- When I eat less, I find that food tastes SO much better! Like I was actually able to enjoy it...
    Tonight I had pizza hut with my dad- cause he really wanted it, and didnt want to eat by himself- and even though I stayed within my calories I must say- I would have enjoyed it a few weeks ago, but tonight- uck! that was so disgusting!!! I wish I went with my chicken and veggies!!! lol... Now I just wish I could feel that way about chocolate
  • lol sometimes I feel like that. Sometimes I will admit, that i snarf the pizza down and think it was the best thing ever. lol

    keep up the good work! woo hoo on the 6 lbs!
  • Great job on the weight loss so far! I wish counting calories came easy to me, I use LiveStrong.com and even then I can't remember to put in what I ate for the day.

    I feel ya on the chocolate. I wish the same thing about doughnuts and bacon! Lol.

    Keep it up and good luck for the future

  • Haha bacon & donuts are pretty good lol! Im so thankful for my phone (the htc hero)- it has a great app & I can either barcode scan what Im eating & it puts in the calories- or if its not food from home, I can just type in where Im eating & what Im eating & it takes about 2 min/meal so its really great! Anyways thanks! & I guess that would make me like almost 10% to my goal eh? haha man it seems so far away!
  • what app scans the barcodes?
  • Well Glory to God for making that pizza disgust you!
    The only reason I am here today and have taken off 60lbs this last year is because it was ordained by God and out of strict obedience. I went through Inner Healing last April and at the very end of the weekend, when I went up to the CROSS for the last time and to leave my baggage up there, one of the stones I threw was the weight. And along with it was the lie that I was okay with who I was, that I was okay with tinkering between 260 and 230 pounds. I believed that lie for a long time and the enemy absolutely kept me in his reigns, but now I am free, and I am on my mountaintop and I don't have to come down. The enemy still tries his same ole tactics with me, but I recognize it for what it is and say puhhhhhhhhhh, I don't think so! LOL!

    Congratulations on the 6 pounds, that is something to be proud of. Calorie counting for me was and is key. I just started Insanity and I am back to counting calories. Losing the weight is not easy, but I have a clear focus and I have time to focus on me for once in my life! Thank you Jesus for the wonderful gift of singlism! I am important and it feels good to take care of ME! You deserve the same.

    So, I ask you, what is consuming your time other than work? Give yourself those 30 minutes everyday, that's all it takes. And you will feel phenomenal! My energy levels are through the roof with doing Insanity!! It's very hard core and probably not the ideal thing to jump into if you don't have a regular routine now. I would definitely recommend looking at Turbo Jam. I love love love Turbo Jam. It's the perfect energizing boost for the day, even when you are short on time, she has a 20 minute workout. Calories in and calories out, combining the right food in and exercise out, you will succeed and start hitting those mini goals quicker than you realize!

    If you need a chocolate fix, well you can get some sugar free chocolate pudding. They also make the chocolate mousse in the refrigerated section which is 60 or so calories I think. Haha, I have to take calcium because I am calcium deficient and used to by the Viactiv chocolate calciums chews, 20 calories and I would get my little fix after lunch, LOL!
  • BACON!! Oscar Meyer center cut bacon, 3 slices for 70 calories. SO WORTH THOSE Calories! And you can cut it down, no need for all 3 slices!
  • Yay 6 pounds! I agree, greasy food is very unappetizing to me most days. however after a few drinks... it turns into the best thing around. hah.
  • Quote: BACON!! Oscar Meyer center cut bacon, 3 slices for 70 calories. SO WORTH THOSE Calories! And you can cut it down, no need for all 3 slices!
    Is this just regular bacon? Lol. I'll look into it! We have been eating turkey bacon lately, and it's super yummy!
  • Yes, it is regular bacon, pork. The nutrition label I have says:
    Serving Size 3 skillet cooked slices (15g) - I cook mine in the oven though
    Calories 70
    Total Fat 4.5 g
    Sat Fat 1.5g
    Cholesterol 15mg
    Sodium 270 mg
    Carb 0g
    Protein 7g

    I can't stomach turkey bacon, yuck. I used to eat it but I just can't anymore. And considering the OM center cut yields caloric values darn near if not better than some turkey bacons, it's not worth it. How do they get the turkey bacon to look like that anyway?! Skeeeeery.
  • Quote: Well Glory to God for making that pizza disgust you!
    The only reason I am here today and have taken off 60lbs this last year is because it was ordained by God and out of strict obedience. I went through Inner Healing last April and at the very end of the weekend, when I went up to the CROSS for the last time and to leave my baggage up there, one of the stones I threw was the weight. And along with it was the lie that I was okay with who I was, that I was okay with tinkering between 260 and 230 pounds. I believed that lie for a long time and the enemy absolutely kept me in his reigns, but now I am free, and I am on my mountaintop and I don't have to come down. The enemy still tries his same ole tactics with me, but I recognize it for what it is and say puhhhhhhhhhh, I don't think so! LOL!

    Congratulations on the 6 pounds, that is something to be proud of. Calorie counting for me was and is key. I just started Insanity and I am back to counting calories. Losing the weight is not easy, but I have a clear focus and I have time to focus on me for once in my life! Thank you Jesus for the wonderful gift of singlism! I am important and it feels good to take care of ME! You deserve the same.

    So, I ask you, what is consuming your time other than work? Give yourself those 30 minutes everyday, that's all it takes. And you will feel phenomenal! My energy levels are through the roof with doing Insanity!! It's very hard core and probably not the ideal thing to jump into if you don't have a regular routine now. I would definitely recommend looking at Turbo Jam. I love love love Turbo Jam. It's the perfect energizing boost for the day, even when you are short on time, she has a 20 minute workout. Calories in and calories out, combining the right food in and exercise out, you will succeed and start hitting those mini goals quicker than you realize!

    If you need a chocolate fix, well you can get some sugar free chocolate pudding. They also make the chocolate mousse in the refrigerated section which is 60 or so calories I think. Haha, I have to take calcium because I am calcium deficient and used to by the Viactiv chocolate calciums chews, 20 calories and I would get my little fix after lunch, LOL!
    Wow amen to that! Thanks!
    Yea I just finished nursing school & I work 12.5 hour days, so I really cannot do ANYTHING on days I work, but I do have 4 days off a week & I've been really lazy on my off days lately, I'd love to have some extra energy! I'll look on craigslist or something for turbojam cause Im broke! Thank you all again
    Oh & PS Ive had that bacon youre talkin about & it is good!
  • Quote: what app scans the barcodes?
    Its called Calorie Counter- it has a picture of a yellow scale- it can look up restaurants, scan barcodes of foods, keep a daily food journal of everything (which is how I keep track of my calories daily), it also has a fitness journal & calculates calories burned & it has a weight tracker. I love it!
  • Turbo Jam, get it for half of what you would pay at Beachbody.
    This is where I ordered my Insanity and only paid $65 for it. Received it in exactly 1 week.
    12.5 hour days, wow yeah I've been there, done that working for the guvbment before. You definitely don't want to do anything after a shift like that! Once you get a routine going and all that energy is flowing through you, you will be all about doing it. It's always mind over matter. I used to struggle to do anything at home which is why I initially joined a gym. i would pack my bag and go before or after work, once I'm there, I have nothing else to do but workout.