I must admit

  • I have been very very bad over the weekend! We ate out alot and I've had cravings BAD! I've probably gained 5lbs from the weekend. Now I've got to work really hard to just get back to where I was. It's frustrating because I was only 13lbs away from my goal. Why do I do this to myself??
  • I did the same thing. The weekends are tough. I feel like crap today because I ate so much...but what's important is that we just get right back on the wagon and keep moving!
  • If I know I am going to go off plan I usually double my exercise to try and make up for it. In the end I usually end up not gaining or losing.
  • Eh... drink lots of water, get in a hard workout and forget about the mistakes. You're human, girl. I have strong suspicion that part of being human is having cravings. Also, I bet some the weight is water weight. The weight that isn't? Well, you've lost 30-some lbs, you can get rid of those couple of extra weekend lbs. Get "back on the wagon" right now. You'll be fine!
  • I was pretty bad this weekend also. A few beers and a taco from Taco Bell on Friday night, two HUGE slices of pizza (as in each one covered a whole paper plate) on Saturday, Chinese buffet and a margarita yesterday. And yet somehow I had a whoosh downwards on the scale, lol. I was at 132 Wed, Thurs, and Fri, and this morning I was 129. Not sure if I'll stay that low, but I'm not worried about it.

    Now that I'm maintaining, I stay on my losing plan during the week and give myself more wiggle room on the weekends. Maybe not the healthiest way to do it, not sure, but so far it's been working and it keeps me happy.
  • I think the fact that you feel like you were "bad" means a lot. I know that only recently have I become aware of my bad eating habits. I mean I always knew they were bad, but recently I am aware of when I am "bad". Don't worry about being a little bad now and then. Just make sure you always stick with the big picture plan and don't give up just because you made a little "mistake". That is the advice I have been getting here when I feel like I "messed up". But you know that better than I do. Look how far you have come!! You are doing great!! Keep up the good work!
  • Put your mistakes behind you. Learn from it and move on. There is nothing worse than dwelling on the wrong things. Keep moving forward. You're human. You mess up. You give in. That's life.

    You'll be fine
  • I came here and read all these respones at just the right time. I think the heat is what is doing this to me. I've had horrible cravings today too and I know I've been dehydrated. I've gotten so use to eating when I'm hungry and drinking when I'm thristy that this hungry feeling when I'm actually thirsty is throwing me off. Just another hurdle to jump over and I know that I will!
  • The wagon should SERIOUSLY have seat belts! What kinda crazy person would invent this wagon that we should all stay on- and then make us figure out a way to stay on the dang thing ourselves!? Craziness!

    the good thing is that there is a tomorrow and a right now for us to try to climb aboard the wagon...
    This is me running after it -->
    ha ha ha now i have a friend to help me chase the wagon down!!!

    lol and that concludes my silliness for the night! you can totally do it!
  • haha! i love the idea of the wagon having seatbelts! that's exactly what i need...despite my strong desire, despite the way i've educated myself, i still veer off course before i've really even hopped back on.

    hm...i just keep thinking something like: if i can get back on when the damage is minimal THAT is victory! and that's where i wanna be (and go!)
  • I had a greedy weekend too. I gained about five pounds this weekend. But I lost three pounds just by drinking water. So maybe you could try that.
  • Is it the influence of friends/family that makes weekends harder for you guys?

    Personally, I do fine during the week, but then with my husband around all weekend, and then us hanging out with friends and/or family, it makes it harder to resist. Plus, we live in a very food-oriented culture where when you go over to someone's house, they're going to throw sweets and things in front of you. For instance, my mother-in-law surprised us with lunch on Sunday. I didn't eat all of it, but there was no way I could get away with not eating it at all without either lying or being rude, so I sucked it up and ate some (her food tastes good, but it's not exactly prepared in the healthiest way!)
  • There is now way you can gain 5 lbs in one weekend. You would have to have eaten 17,500 MORE calories than you needed. Thats like eating an addition 6 Pizza Hut Peperoni Suffed Crusts Pizza.
  • My problem is lack of planning. I usually do good and have things planned out really good but my weekend wasn't as planned as it could have been and I definately did NOT drink enough water..
  • i gained 3lbs over the weekend waiting for the scale to read 165 !