Weighing In: Time of Day

  • So, I was just curious what time of day does everyone weigh in? I usually do the mornings before I've eaten breakfast. What does everyone else do?
  • In the morning right after I pee!
  • in the morning!
  • Quote: In the morning right after I pee!

    It really doesn't matter when you weigh-in as long as you are consistent. Whatever you start out with continue it.
  • First thing in the morning too
  • First thing in the morning after I use the bathroom!!
  • I agree, in the morning after my first trip to the bathroom. It's the most consistent time of day for me. I haven't done anything prior, I haven't drank 3 liters of water, all I've done is sleep, empty my bladder and then on the scale. There are so many varying factors of what you do throughout the day that will cause your weight to fluctuate.
  • First thing in the morning, after relieving myself, before eating
  • First thing in the morning