popcorn Question???

  • After banishing the booze me and my partner have a new hobby of renting DVDs and having film nights. We also like to induldge in some popcorn whilst watching the film

    However untill recently i never realsied how fattening it actually is

    Is there a low fat brand out there we can try , as we are addicted to it haha but its really naughty .

    Im from the uK so if anyone knows and uk stores that sell low fat popcorn plezzz let me kno
  • I don't know if you can get it in the UK, but I like Orville Redenbacher's 100 calorie packs of butter popcorn. It's really good.
  • Get an air popper. Or you can get popcorn and put some in a brown paper lunch bag and pop it in your microwave. Spray some 0 cal I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and sprinkle some Kernel Season's on it! Or if you are trying to avoid chemicals, get an olive oil mister and use that instead of the butter... spray just enough to get the favorings to stick to the pop corn.

    Or - I agree with the PP - Orville's 100 cal bags are great!
  • Is Butter Popcorn less calories than sweet and toffee?
  • It depends.

    I personally buy microwave popcorn that is just popcorn, no oil, no salt. Bearitos is the brand I buy.

    You can also get a brown bag, throw in some kernels, sprinkle with a little water then roll the edge a bit and put in the microwave. Some people staple the bag but I rather not. I've found smaller bags do better than larger ones. It takes some experimentation.
  • I eat a LOT of popcorn! I have 3-4 bags every week. It's my dirty little habit. But of course, it's always counted and planned for.

    I don't even bother with those little 100-calorie bags. For some reason I just can't figure out how to cook them in my microwave. Half the bag burns, but a lot of kernels will be left over. I'm sure I could mess with the settings or something, but I just got tired of burning bags.

    I eat Orville Redenbacher's SmartPop Butter. There's 240 cal/bag, but I count it as 200cal since I always have 2tbsp of unpopped kernels leftover. There are 6tbsp of kernels to start out with. It's kind of a guesstimate, but I think it's fair, probably even a slight overestimation of what I'm actually eating.
  • I don't know if you have this in the UK, but... I love Smart Balance brand Smart N' Healthy popcorn. Only 20 cals. for 1 cup!
  • Im totally addicted to it now , its like the saying once you pop you cant stop hahaha. Hope i will find somethink low cal in the UK if not ill just have to cut down the amount i eat x
  • i live in the uk as well, and in the stores i haven't been able to find any sort of microwaveable healthy popcorn. it's always butter/ sugar/ toffee... so, since i cannot afford an air popper, and even though i really like it, i am not having any.

    the other choice would be to do it yourself the old fashioned way--- olive oil in a pot, heat and shake :/
  • p.s. try a bag of snack a jack's instead

    Quaker Snack-A- Jacks Light Sltd Popcorn 13G
    A serving contains the following of your guideline daily amount
    Guideline Daily Amount Summary


    48, 2%of your GDA

    Trace, < 1%of your GDA

    1g, 2%of your GDA

    Trace, 1%of your GDA

    0.2g, 3%

    as taken from tescos website
  • The old-fashioned way on the stovetop makes pretty light, crispy popcorn. When I'm really craving cheese popcorn, I buy a box of Annie's natural macaroni and cheese and shake some of the powder over the hot popcorn. You get some cheese taste without tons of calories or artificial ingredients!
  • I think of popcorn as a healthy snack. I usually buy Orville Redenbacher's natural popcorn. I love the cracked pepper kind as well as the lime and salt. I like to buy in the 100 calorie bags.

    I also love to do the old fashioned way. There are ways to eat popcorn without it being fatty- they have different seasonings and flavorings out there. I just had a bag of popcorn this morning, haha.
  • I enjoy popcorn. It really helps with the munchies. I'm old school. I do it in a pot on the stove w/ a bit of olive oil. If I recall correctly it's 15 calories a cup. Since I started this , I've avoided microwave popcorn due to the chemicals, and it tastes wierd to me, now. I also never burn the popcorn on teh stove like i do in the microwave... The idea of putting the cheese powder on it sounds way tasty!
    When I did eat microwave popcorn, may favorite was orville redenbacher's 94% fat free kettle corn.
  • I use a air popper. I eat popcorn almost daily. I love it.

    After I pop mine I spray with Parkay Fat Free butter Spray (be careful cause that is misleading) and sprinkle with popcorn butter flavor and garlic powder. They also have white cheddar powder and kettle corn so I have variety.
  • Popcorn is healthy, but always makes my scale go up the next day.

    I buy a Costco sized jar of kernels and toss them in a pot on the stove with a bit of oil. Tastes SO MUCH better this way. No extra cost of buying a popcorn popper, no bag waste. Takes less then 10 minutes. Sometimes I top with a little fresh butter and salt or some times I use those flavour shakers. I love the flavour shakers! Also, when I make on the stove - it never burns and I usually end up with about 5 unpopped kernels.