~*~*~*Weekly Chat June 7 - June 13*~*~*~

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  • NO change in the scale since friday. Still 203 but I will take it. I got measured today by my trainer and I did loose 6 inches in one week and that includes 1 inch in my tummy and another inch in my lower stomach.

    I had shakes and muscle weakness last night and I feel icky today. I am sure it is just a head cold - I still workout today. Only an hour and not that hard but I got in there.

    I am gonna be super amazing this week with my workouts and food. I even bought another session with my trainer on friday to help me get to 199!!

    AND I go on my very first backpacking trip saturday to sunday. It is just a trial over night so I can get use to drinking filtered water - etc. My dad was very understanding about planning meals. Oatmeal for breakfast, fish and clif bar for lunch and fish and something else for dinner. We go food shopping for it on thursday and I figure if I keep the sodium content down I should be okay!

    MMM JAKE!!!

    His sister is so pretty, too!!

    YAY monday is over!
  • Stella ~ He wouldn't be 10 feet from my bed...he'd be in my bed LOL

    Haley ~ Your poor sister!!!! Hopefully the puppy will give her something to smile about when she gets home.

    Luvja & aml ~ Welcome back!!!

    I have had such an up and down day. I am so upset about the girl that I tutor and so stressed out. I have cried several times today about how they're treating her and have had really bad heartburn. I'm just really overwhelmed and really do not want to go to work tomorrow. I kicked my own butt at the gym today, going hardcore on the elliptical more than usual for 75 minutes which was good because it's making up for the fact that I've had pizza, curly fries, and dark chocolate M&M's since getting home.
  • Haha. Chele, I won't get graphic, but my encounters with him wouldn't be limited to the bed.

    He's just so friggin cute. And yes, I love his sister as well.
  • I have thought his sister was super creepy since I saw "The Secretary" ughhh such a creepy movie

    I have too much energy for 10:30 pm and I just wanna eat butttttt I limited it to pretzels and a few jelly beans... zero fat in all that since I had a pretty nice size porkchop earlier and his fat content made my head explode...

    And I've been watching food network..that might be the problem...they also showed a bacon donut and I'm not gonna lie I wanted to eat it...

    anyways I think that is all...good night world
  • Stella- Sorry for your "breakup"! And I agree about Jake!!

    Amy- I need to take a lesson from you! I'd rather lay in bed with my boy cuddling than workout! lol.

    Haley- The Secretary was so creepy!! I haven't seen it in forever, I think I need to go dig it out and watch it again now!

    I haven't made any progress in forever. My ankle finally heeled from my bad sprain, I was getting back into my walking & running and then yesterday I somehow stepped on a toothpick and it went into my foot pretty far, so now I'm limping again, this time from the opposite foot. *sigh* Hopefully this one won't take as long to heal. I need to stop hurting myself!!

    I'm so excited I start my fitness classes next week! Zumba, Yoga, Hip Hop, & Kickboxing! Yaaaaay!
  • i love you all and your hot men pictures. gah.... i want one. lol

    i'm having some healthy eating motivation issues. workouts are going well, thank goodness, or i would have put on 10 pounds. I cannot kick the junkfood and its sucking!!! and summer is practically here and i've been at the same weight +/- 2 pounds for a looong time... like since april. its frustrating. i want to be comfortable in a bathing suit!!!! i know my muscles are toned, i can feel it, i just need to shed a layer of squish. BAH. I need to start cooking again. I'm gonna move (again...) to a place close to the beach =D yay for that. that means better places to run, and living with 1 other girl instead of 5 people. WHICH means i get to cook again. because right now i feel like i'm living in somebody else's kitchen and i'm not allowed to make a mess. hopefully that will motivate me to be healthy. cuz right now i'm eating sooo crappy... i need to snap out of this for real... adjfoaiwe;flajd;lfja;sldjfpoaeijoqije

    stella - good for you for taking that step, i know that took some balls. it'll be better this way in the long run.
  • Mmmm I am drinking a crystal light slurpee. Only 4 calories per ounce so my large is about 120 calories. Sweet. Making my calories 1,310..

    I still feel gross but this cool beverage is helping. And it SUPER HOT in my house. Boo. I want air condition.

    I am going to bed soon. Gonna see if I can sleep this sickness away -- I passed out for 5 hours this afternoon. Ugh.

    G'night girlies
  • Thank you for the "welcome back's" everyone

    Taylor, you are SO close to ONEderland, I'm so happy/jealous!!!!
  • LUVJA OMGOMGOMG I Missed you soo much! How are you? Going back to the island soon??? Oh, thank you for the compliment! I have been really trying hard since the new year! Only 4 more pounds to go until 199! But as I remember you were giving me a run for my money only a short time ago! I have no doubt you are gonna catch up soon. I am so glad you are back! I missed your pretty face and excellent sense of humor!
  • Mmmmmmmm Jake Gyllenhaal mmmmmmm. I'm going to see Prince of Persia with a friend this weekend and I CANNOT. WAIT.
  • Haley - CONGRATS ON FINISHING THE LSAT! How'd it go?! And sorry to hear about your sister. Hopefully the pup will brighten her day

    Stella - Dude, those pictures of Jake are hot. I still remember when he was in Donnie Darko though. Not so attractive.

    Jess - Where are you moving to? I was in PB last weekend and thought of you randomly.

    Starmac - We are ON, just so you know. But I might need to crash at your pad that weekend if it's ok! Andddd, come run the Annapolis 10-miler with me!
  • Haley - Okay, that was a super-creepy movie. My ex-roommate made me watch it, and I was like eww...

    Jazz - Good luck with the move Yay for the beach!!!

    I got hungry at like 10:30 last night, so I had turkey in a mini-pita and a whole lot of grape tomatoes. I also woke up feeling like I was hit by a bus before I went to sleep last night. I could have laid in bed for about 4 more hours, but civic duty calls. I'm guessing the long night on Saturday + not eating + running last night finally caught up to me.

    /fingers crossed that my trial will be over today
  • Good morning girlies

    Taylor - Awww you're so sweet ... Yes, actually I am heading back to Jamaica on September 16th, so I am really wanting to lose 30 lbs before then!!! There's a good chance my best friend may be getting married while we are down there this time, and of course, I am the maid of honour..... Gotta look good!
  • Hah! We should totally have an eye candy day. Those pics of Jake were the cup of coffee to my morning

    Stella: have fun with the jury duty, you're lucky it's only 2 days! I got summoned back in february, but they excused me because I was at school and the date was on my busiest day of the week.

    Haley: Congrats on being done with the LSATs! Huge relief!! And I'm sorry about your sister, it's good that she's okay! And I'm sure that puppy will be a great surprise for her!

    So yesterday I got my hair trimmed and the woman was AMAZING!!! She fixed the disaster that the hairdresser had done in march. So now I have angles on BOTH sides and my layer is on BOTH sides! My hair is so happy and healthy now! I love it! And she added into her computer what she did for my hair so next time I go they'll know what I like!

    My dad fixed what was hanging from my car. apparently it's just a splash shield and it's done this before, so he completely bolted it this time.

    I went to Greg's last night, his mom made grilled chicken with string beans and potatoes sauteed together with olive oil and a vegetable seasoning. It was REALLY good! But whenever she uses olive oil, my tummy is NOT happy....and they're an Italian family, so pretty much every time I eat there I leave with a grumbly tummy. But I stood on the scale this morning, 138.0! I was about 139.2 yesterday. She needs to make that dinner more often! hahah
  • Luvja - You have the prettiest eyes ever! I am very envious. Hazel eyes are stupid, haha!

    Ugh - so apparently my scale has waged war and I am at 207 this morning.
    Really hoping it's because yesterday was a ******ed busy day at work and I skipped breaky and lunch, and didn't drink near as much water as I should have.

    Omg. Jake G is SO FREAKIN' HAWT! Prince of Persia was super good - Well, I'm not sure if it actually was or not but DAYAM was he pretty in it.


    Happy Tuesday, Ladies! Keep on Truckin'.

    Taylor - Please send me some motivation and good weight loss vibes my way?
    Good for you on the 203 and maintaining!