Looking for helpful phone Apps

  • So, I just got a fancy new phone! I'm looking for helpful apps. Apps that I can track what I'm eating and the calories when I'm not at my home computer. Or any other ones that can aid me in my weight loss... Or just any cools ones I can waste time with Lol

    Know of any good ones?
  • I think that most sites that track calories, eg the daily plate etc, will have apps that you can use on your phone
  • What kind of phone is it? I know that there is an iTouch/iPhone app called LoseIt that tracks calories and is free . For phone's like Droid or anything, no clue. My phone is old and I am out of the loop lol
  • I have an HTC Incredible
  • Yea there are quite a few.
    I use Good to Know Diets which is you can either get the free version or whatever the cheapest app is in the US, over here it is 59 pence.

    It has a barcode reader for foods and an analysis of what food and exercise you've had and predicts your weight loss rate.

    I know they have versions on both iPhone and BlackBerry.

    But I think it is important to have one just to keep check, but only ONE otherwise u can confuse yourself but I know there are loads of good apps out there so maybe just play around with a few free versions...
  • I love LoseIt. I credit it almost entirely with helping me lose the 40lb. I had tried calorie counting in a sort of half-hearted way before but had never been able to deal with the record keeping. It is free. I also like that you can track your nutrition, so I know I'm eating enough protein or fiber in a day.

    I also have a couple of exercise apps: I bought IStayFit but I don't use very much because it doesn't really fit with the way I do exercise, although it does seem to be very popular judging by the comments/reviews. It lets you put in and keep track of lots of individual exercises in a very detailed way, but I mostly work on the elliptical, exercise videos, and a couple of resistance exercises, which are simple enough to keep in my head without an app. (OK, it's Tuesday, so it's my elliptical/arms day.) And the choices it has for the elliptical settings don't match the machine at my gym.

    Then there's 100 Pushups, in which I am perpetually stuck on week 2.
  • Livestrong's Daily Plate is my favorite online calorie tracker, and they have an iPhone ap. It isn't as versatile as the website, but it is nice to have.
  • for android there is one by fatsecret called calorie counter-- i used to love it when i had an android phone its also great because fatsecret also has a regular website so you can also track when you're on your comp
  • Quote: Livestrong's Daily Plate is my favorite online calorie tracker, and they have an iPhone ap. It isn't as versatile as the website, but it is nice to have.
    I have since signed up with Livestrong.com online! I joined the 3fatchicks - 20 something group on the site too... It's an awesome tool