weight loss hypnosis

  • has anyone tried this method?
    i have done hypnosis before with other issues and had a wonderful outcome. i thought mine as well add hypnosis to my lifestyle change. i have a 10 minute recording to listen to everyday and a 30 minute one once a week and i believe i feel the difference...it may have to do with the fact i hate how i look right now compared to how i looked almost a year ago....

    but yeah, is anyone else looking to hypnosis as an option or has done it in the past?
  • I used it a couple of years ago for appetite control. It did help. I used self-hypnosis, but wasn't really happy with my instructor. I went to him because he was also a psychologist who would be covered by my health insurance.
    I would be interested in a cd but have "bothered" yet. Let us know how you do.
    I think it can't be harmful and may be helpful.
  • i actually have found a few programs just on youtube and also my mother is a web designer and one of the women she created a site for sent her a 30 minute program.

    i am financially unable to go see someone, and i figured recordings are just the same...plus i am most comfortable at home by myself for the deepest relaxation
  • I've been using Don Mannarino's Think and Lose self hypnosis for over a year and a half and absolutely love it. I have lost 55 pounds, gone from a size 18 to a size 8 and have gained control over food, instead of the other way around. After looking for years and years for the right answer for me, I finally found it. So, yeah, hypnosis can work.

  • shirley- is it an audio program or book?
  • It's a DVD you watch first and listen to, and then a CD you listen to on a regular basis. I just down-loaded it onto a MP3 player and it works great.
  • can i get that on youtube?

    Jkatherine, may I ask what do you use from youtube or such? I really want to try this.
  • For the Think and Lose, you can just go to their website and order it from there. It's pretty inexpensive for the basic program.