Weight Loss Group

  • Hey all!

    I'm new here and I've been having some trouble losing weight. I recently joined a weight loss program, but I am having a hard time committing. I was wondering if anyone has joined or tried to join a program before and what made them stay committed? Also, if you did stay committed, what was the program like and why did it draw you in. Maybe I'm just looking into the wrong weight loss programs? This is more off a community based program that is free because I don't really have the money to spend right now. I can try to look into other programs in my area, but I really just wanted to know what makes everyone else stay in the programs they join.

    Let me know!! Thanks everyone!

  • I'm doing WW and calorie counting on my own. I had joined WW forever to get the info but stopped going soon after I had the info. What keeps me going is that I want to be healthier and lose this weight. On my tough days, I come here and read the posts where members have made their goals.
  • This is more of a community program. It was advertised by a hospital in my area as a "Free Weight Loss Program." I've only gone to the first session, the next session is in two days. I just hope they have something that will draw me in. I have a hard time giving things a chance, the program advertises a class on how to learn about healthy eating and then an exercise class after, Im skeptical, would that kind of stuff make you guys want to join? It makes me nervous because there are other people around and sometimes I feel like failure if I can't do something as good as the next person.