Maintainers Chat: Week Of May 31 - June 6

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  • Michele, the jog around the lakes sounds good to me, although is it going to be humid? Doing anything active in humidity is draining to me. Swimming is a good option or even running in the pool if you can't swim laps. I thought I read that libraries are really popular during the recession--free movies, books, magazines (I gave up subscriptions long ago). What could be better! I loved working in my elementary school library when I was a kid.

    Marie, intervals are fun, IMHO, either running or walking or, one of my favorites, pool running. Really wish I could find a pool running class here. I don't know about reading playing into weight problems. I read a lot, but also walked to and from school, rode my bike to friends' houses, played kick-the-can every Friday during summer, played softball and basketball on school teams, and walked to the library (most of the time). I'm betting I got more exercise than many kids today who don't read. My issue was binge eating.

    Allison, kudos for sticking with your plan.

    Dagmar, I prefer "paper" books, too, and especially paperbacks. Sounds silly, but my arms really start to hurt after holding a hardback book for any length of time. Must be the position I am in to read.

    Iris, so what did you end up eating? Whatever it was, hope it was yummy.

    Our townhome is set to close next week. Turns out there was water in the crawl space so we asked the seller to pay for a fancy system that keeps water out and has an alarm if the sump pump quits working. They balked, but we said no deal if it wasn't done--water is something we just don't want to deal with. So my son's GF is set to move in July 2 so we have a couple of weeks to do a few things like remove paneling, paint, change some light fixtures and, my personal favorite, trim back the rose bushes or, better yet, remove them.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • Sheila-- HOT and HUMID for sure!! It is usually close to 100% humidity there. I will run in the mornings to try to avoid most of the heat.

    I've never jogged in the pool. Do you just jog from one end to the other?
  • Allison, I don't think my BF read the book - but he did say the subtitles were bad. He's really into movies so he may have meant decisions they made such as the subtitle colors that he thought were bad decisions.

    Marie, they sure do make veggie pizzas! One of my favorites chili peppers on pizza. Mmmm.

    Sheila, we did end up going out for pizza and beer The pizza was honestly not as good as I remembered it but I did think the beer was worth the extra calories - I had a nice IPA. Next time I should keep the beer but get a salad or something.

    Tonight I really do have to make dinner - neither my waistline or my wallet can afford another night out! I'm going to peruse the recipe section on here for some inspiration. =)
  • Managed to avoid the and not go to the grocery store for unhealthy snacks.

    Of course DH came home with chocolate muffins and potato chips.

    I'm hiding in my office until he consumes them all.

  • Marie - I have to laugh. AT&T is the only nationwide carrier in Alaska! I have a cell phone through my local phone company, and I could get a 3G Android phone through them, and I get nationwide coverage.

    The warm weather left today, and it's been in the 50's and RAINING!! Yay! Our lawn and garden so needed rain. We water the garden but not the lawn, but rain is so much more efficient. It's been just a nice steady rain all day - no downpours to wash out seeds.

    I've been to the dentist to have the permanent fix to my bridge, but he didn't like the way it fit or the color (done at a lab) so he did more impressions and I still have a temporary for a couple more weeks. Sigh.

    After that I went to the gym. It took a lot of talking to myself to go today. Don't know why it's that way some days. Tues and Wed were perfectly fine - drove there, went in, worked out, drove home. Today I left the dentist, stopped for coffee, sat and drank it listening to my book, drove to the gym, sat another 10 minutes, finally made myself go in.... Weird.
  • Sheila, good job insisting on the water issue having a backup plan. If a seller wants to sell, they have to expect there are going to be expenses. I love doing elliptical intervals. It’s my favorite program. I swear by interval training. It made a big difference in managing my asthma.

    Michele, in my pool, running from one end to the other would require a scuba tank.

    Iris, I’m currently eating leftover pesto pizza. No meat (I never eat meat pizzas even before weight loss). It’s not vegan as it has mozz cheese but I’m not a vegetarian. I just love vege pizzas.

    Dagmar, her you listen to your and DH is the . Good job hibernating till the goodies are gone.

    Pat, I do remember my last AK visit that AT&T was on the carrier part of the phone. Sorry your voice made the workout less desirable to do. Sounds like my on Tuesday morning.

    Rain, rain, go away. I want summer. Heck I’d take our normal spring temps at this point. But my 2 day work week is over and I have another long weekend. Someday I’ll have to work a full week (I think the 21st-25th). That will be a rude awakening.
  • Hi all,

    Gorgeous hot weather here as well, and I'll be working at home today.

    About exercising without equipment: I got a new book from Amazon 'you are your own gym' listing a lot of body weight exercises that requite no equipment or only stuff that is around. Altough I think doors will break or go sag after a while if you use them for pullups as suggested. Also, there is the "bands" wo in the stickies of the exercise thread, bands pack well.

    have a great day all,
  • I am looking forward to my long dog sit starting June 17. I have to get away from DH - he's totally bringing me down .

    Anyone else living with a depressed, inert, obese person? How do you cope? Every time I suggest something other than sitting in front of the TV eating he has an excuse ready. If I don't join him I'm ignoring or neglecting him.

    I suggested getting rid of the TV by putting it in the garage for a week. He freaked out! I've suggested playing board games, working out, going for walks, etc. and he has an excuse for all those as well.

    I'm totally frustrated and his depression is starting to depress me. And no, he won't seek any kind of treatment. Doctors are all frauds and any drugs for depression (based on one experience he had 20 years ago) don't "work" for him.

  • Dagmar, have you considered talking to a therapist yourself? They might give you ideas on how to get DH to go to a doctor, or at least on how to prevent his issues from affecting you so much.

    Count me in on the list of people who had to force themselves to work out yesterday. I have been so exhausted lately! I think this intermediate triathlon training plan is really draining me. Yesterday's workout was a 30 min run, which should not have been a big deal, but I was so tired that I only made it 2.25 miles in 30 minutes. I haven't run that slow in months. My swim the day before was slower than usual too.

    Maybe I'm tired because DH has been stressed about work, which makes him wake up in the middle of the night a lot, which wakes me up. Oh well, at least it's Friday! Hopefully tomorrow I will have the energy for my hour and a half bike/run brick workout that's scheduled. Today is a rest day. I could really use two rest days in a row, though!
  • Good morning... Read all the posts yesterday but didn't get in to reply for some reason...

    Jessica - not getting enough sleep will definitely impact your training. I had that problem training for my half marathon, it was killing me about halfway through. Sorry DH is stessed about work - my DH has been lately as well. Hope things improve.

    Dagmar - you have a lot of ups and downs with DH. Jessica has a good point - you can't change him, but you can impact the way you react to him. Therapy isn't a bad idea. I recommend this book "The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships (Paperback)" by Harriet Lerner. There are several others by her as well. I don't love everything in it, but it has good points about learning how to deal with your anger.

    Rabbit - I've seen that book, let me know how it is!

    Marie - I've done the AT&T phone test, it is cool. So, interval training helps manage your asthma? Why do you think? DH has asthma as well and I worry sometimes about him running.

    Pat - better to wait little while for the right fit, though it is annoying having to wait a few more weeks...

    Iris - the last time I had pizza I didn't love it either. A nice IPA is good, though.

    Sheila - glad the sellers put in the water removal system. Not something to play around with.

    Michele - running in Houston will be hot, but doable. I would definitely have to hit the pool after though! I wish I had one to get in here.

    Allison - good job with being OP!

    On the topic of Kindle/EReader v. real books - I love love love real books, but have been an avid reader of E-books since 1996 when the first Peanut Press editions of Star Trek paperbacks were available on Palm Pilot. DH has always been pretty anti e-book, but got a Kindle for Christmas and loves it. We both still read real books often, but the flexibility of being able to carry so many in a small device is nice. I've had my Kindle lass than a month, but am enjoying it. The only thing I don't like is the absence of backlight, but I'm shopping for a clip on light.

    On the topic of the Apple Store - it is like walking into a candy shop. I have to avoid it at all costs.

    On the topic of OP - I'm now three days OP, with good exercise every day. I've dropped water weight every day, so am feeling better. Yesterday was meat free, and I've had meat free dinners the other two days. still on with the daily yoga. I feel more in control.

    Good day everyone!
  • We're getting an Apple store here in the fall. I'll have to keep DS away from it! Sure, I like shopping there, but I don't need anything so I can just shop.

    I was paying my Citibank card today and noticed something on the website that said rebate dollars. I had no idea my card offered that. So I clicked and lo-and-behold I have $588 in rebates saved up! So I requested a rebate check. Hmmm, what to buy?

    POP again yesterday, well, with the exception of a few pistachios in the afternoon. It must have been those darn nuts as my weight went back up this morning. Ugh. Must stay away from nuts!

    I have to run. I have to take a CD to the reprographer for some plans and then I'm off for PT. My therapist is really pleased with my progress so far.
  • I second "The Dance of Anger" as a book worth reading.

  • Allison - rebate dollars! How exciting, found money.
  • on the Apple store. I have to drive 50+ miles to get there, so I'm in no immediate danger! I would like to see some of these devices in person however. I'm also making a list of cameras to look at. I have arthritis in the joint where my right thumb joins my hand, so the way the camera fits my hand is of utmost importance.

    I started a new set of workouts this week, and lo and behold, I am SORE again, even though not all of the exercises are new.... Guess that's a good thing?

    It ended up raining all day yesterday, and all my growing things are soooo happy. It's stopped now, though still cloudy. I expect to hear my grass growning as soon as the sun comes out.
  • I am totally addicted to multiple workouts a day now. I didnt know what to do with myself yesterday when I only had time for 1. It is going to be a loooooong summer.

    I wish spring would get here soon.