Any LAWL Phone Apps?

  • I just got a Moto Droid. I was scrolling through the free apps and I saw that there were a couple for Weight Watchers. I searched for LAWL, but they didn't have any. I was wondering if they had them for iPhone or Blackberry, b/c this would be a good app to have. I remember having access to the LAWL website where I could input my meals into an online journal. I'm on a computer all day, so it was easier for me to do it online, instead of writing it down. Plus, those journals were so tiny it was hard to fit everything in there. Perhaps a current LAWL center or online member can bring this up to someone there.

    Would any of you be interested in this?
  • I would! I just posted a new question on this. Did you ever find anything??
  • wouldnt it be wonderful to have an app...
    for lawl...i wonder since they are out of business if it would be possible to make one? i know they went through a bunch of legal stuff in tennessee and closed the doors and took alot of money from people....i miss them a bunch...
    wonder if they still own the copywrites?
  • I would love to have an app that I can keep track of my food! If you find anything, definitely post it!
  • Quote: I would love to have an app that I can keep track of my food! If you find anything, definitely post it!
    Also looking for any such similar app.
  • Ladies: My Fitness Pal has an ap that would be helpful to you. Its not diet specific but you can track your exercise, WL and your calorie intake. Hope it helps.