Can't get back on track

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  • The last 2 weeks have been a mess—I don't think I've stayed under my calories a single time. Sometimes it's 100 calories over, sometimes it's way over. For whatever reason, I just can't seem to get it together. I've been eating all the same crap I used to. Has anyone gone through a funk this long? Two weeks of being off-plan after only 2 months of being on it is pretty shameful. I need to stop but I seem to be sabotaging myself.
  • No, thankfully I didn't go through that. I wanted the weight off pretty badly. I just made going off plan not an option. I was sick of it.

    Have you gained any weight back?
  • Yea, today I'm up 4.8 pounds from my weigh-in 2 weeks ago. I think a few of those are water weight because I went away with my best friends and have been drinking all weekend, and I have had hardly any water for the last week. So I figure maybe 2 are 'real' weight, which still really sucks. I should have LOST 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks, so it's like I gained 7.
  • Oh crud, that's a drag.'s time right now to get back on track. Right this minute! I was just noticing that you have some nice goals listed in your signature, it would be a shame to have spent all that time thinking about them and writing them down only to throw in the towel before you reach the first one! Don't undo all your hard work. Force yourself to stay on track...Whatever it takes just get through tomorrow! You CAN do this.
  • you're still about 20 lbs down. you dont want to have to re lose those 20 do you? get back on track! you cant undo what's done, so just let it go. dont do the whole "i had a cheeseburger so this day's blown, might as well go have a sundae" thing. a day is never blown until you fall asleep. make a good choice. start right NOW!
  • Stay focus on your goals and don't let two weeks become three weeks, get back on track right now..
  • Quote: dont do the whole "i had a cheeseburger so this day's blown, might as well go have a sundae" thing.
    This is SO my problem. Story of my life. I'm going to make a conscious effort to not do this.
  • I would say take a hard look at the last two weeks and see what triggered the lapse in motivation. If you can figure that out, you are less likely to let it get in the way again. Have you gotten rid of all the crap food in your house? If you are buying fast food, find another way home. Its hard work, but really worth it.
  • Maybe you are at the stage of being bored with your program and you are feeling like chucking it all. Don't do it! You will only delay the inevitable truth and end up starting all over again. Why not investigate some new recipes or ways to get your exercise in. And stay on 3FC!
  • Yes, once you've eaten that cheeseburger there's no reason to eat the brownies, fries and ice cream. But it's also a good idea to not START with the cheeseburger. Do you plan out your foods in advance? Are they delicious, yet lower calories? If you've got a planned menu for the day, it makes it MUCH easier to eat healthy. Eating healthy won't happen by chance or on it's own - it's got to be thought out ahead of time. It takes thought, effort and a continuous conscientious effort.

    Losing weight is a doable thing. You must DECIDE to do it and then see it through. But by all means set yourself up for success - journal your foods - you bite it you write it - no exceptions. And then there's what I mentioned earlier - plan, plan and than plan some more. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Require more from yourself. Hold yourself up to a higher standard. Stop settling for foods that simply taste good. Let them taste good and be good for you. And remember - it's okay to tell yourself no. Discipline is a good things. Just because you want something doesn't mean you have to have it. You must remember what you want the most - to be slim, trim, fit, active and healthy. Every time you give in, you start the cycle again of having to start from the beginning so to speak. Work past the initial discomfort, because if you stick with this, it DOES get easier and easier. Allow these good habits to take hold.

    You have the ability to lose the weight. You don't have to be fat if you don't want to be. Make the decision to do this, once and for all, no matter what and permanently.
  • For me, I need to "bookend" my eating. After I eat my delicious, sensible meal, I go through a mini depression and think, "Now what? This meal was great and now I don't want to stop."

    Instead of eating more, I try to do something. Sometimes taking a walk helps me. I leave the house without money & I start walking. During my walks I think about the accomplishment of eating a balanced meal & I tell myself, "Hey girl, look at you, you are doing great."

    Lately, logging into 3FC has really helped. Whenever I want to binge or not exercise, I read the struggles of other people and realize I'm not alone.

    Experiment with different strategies and maybe you'll lock onto something that will support you. Please, don't give up. You are making great progress.
  • For me, I totally understand how a couple bad days would throw you off. That would make me quit too. The reason for me would be because bad foods set me up for failure! Right now, sailing along as I am, it takes NO will power. The foods I eat work FOR me, not AGAINST me. But if I ate poorly or had a lot of drinks, then it would take will power for me to get back on plan and my will power just sucks. All that sugar and salt just makes me crave more, and it's a true honest to goodness craving.

    My best advice is to get back on plan and prepare yourself for three days of hard work. Three days of good cleaning eating under your belt should get you back on track with less will power involved.
  • M y biggest issue is learning that it's not all or nothing. When I have nights out when I'm drinking or going to restaurants, I tend to totally abandon drinking water, and I eat all day on the days surrounding when I go out. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I just had what I wanted while I'm out, but I turn it into this apocalyptic weekend-long pig-out and end up hating myself.

    Right now I just feel really bloated and disgusting. I'm so puffy that yesterday I was having a pedicure and noticed I had cankles and sausage toes, and my lower legs are usually pretty normal sized since I'm an apple (more like beach ball) shape. All this puff is making me feel fatter than when I started this diet. I've been chugging water and eating fruit all day, so hopefully I'll lose some of the water tonight.

    Cglasscock I think you hit it with the boredom. I'm literally eating the same Lean Cuisines, the same 100-calorie packs, the same couple of fruits and veggies, the same diet teas, etc., day after day and can hardly stand them anymore. I need to find some recipes and actually cook real food to bring to work, but I feel so hopeless in the grocery store and end up buying the easy low-cal packaged stuff.

    And Eliana I am going to take your advice on the 3-day thing. I think if I commit to 3 days of really good eating and exercise that I'll feel better at the end of it and want to keep it up.
  • You already have so much awesome advice, just want to say this happens to me all the time. I know you are in a hurry to get that weight off. So just keep going! You can do this and I know you can.
  • Two weeks isn't that bad. Not that I'm saying its great, but its not horrible. Sure you could have lost weight, but you didn't. So lose some this week. And next week. And maybe, the week after that.

    I promise that you can cook. When I first started losing weight, I ate a lot of Smart Ones because they were easy. Then one day, my partner came to me with the saddest face ever and begged me to stop making Smartones our dinner every day (she cannot cook, like will burn down the kitchen can't cook). And you're right, it gets dull and no fun to just have a microwavable meal to eat every night.

    So I bought a weigh-watchers cookbook of all 20 minutes meals or less. Buy a cookbook or find some recipes online that look delicious to you. Figure out a couple breakfast options and a few lunch ideas. Make a list BEFORE you go to the store of what you want to buy. Buy whats on the list. Poof! Healthy options that are interesting, what YOU wanted to eat and healthy. After a while, you'll just know what you want to buy. It won't feel so overwhelming and you'll be happier with your choices.

    As for the restaurant thing, if you know in advance you're going, why not just build it into the day? A lot of chains have the nutrition information online. Figure out what you want for dinner and build your day backwards from there. Then, you get to eat what you want AND lose weight.