How to get my Kitty to exercise

  • My cat, like most cats, is lazy by nature so how do i get him to start moving a little?... eating and sleeping is not good on it's own, he needs to move!

    Any tips?

    Thanks in advance
  • How about a toy that would make him run around a little? Maybe one of those laser thingies that he could chase or something he could stalk.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks i'll give it a try... keeping my fingers crossed x
  • All of my cats love feather toys, and most of them love catnip too. We bought some little stuffed balls with feathers attached and one of them was destroyed 10 mins after we gave them the toys! My mom's vet told her to chase her cat around the house lol
  • Quote: How about a toy that would make him run around a little? Maybe one of those laser thingies that he could chase or something he could stalk.

    Good luck!

    When we adopted our fat kitty, she weighed almost 20 lbs. We've gotten about 2 to 3 lbs off of her, but the less we feed her, the less she moves.

    Feather toys, and yarn she'll follow for a little bit, but she'll get tired quickly and will just flop down and "watch."

    The laser pointer though, she adores. After only a few uses, she learned that hubby keeps it in a tupperware tub on the end table, and she'll actually paw at the box, begging to play.

    She never gets tired of chasing the red dot.

    What's funny is that just like her fat human parents, getting some exercise that she enjoys seems to inspire her to do more on her own. She never played with toys much before the laser pointer (except for one sparkly mouse, and she carried it more than truly played with it).

    She's gotten a lot more playful and plays a lot more now. Poor fat girl though has gotten herself in a jam or two. She was playing with one of her toys under my cedar chest (she had to wriggle to get under there) and somehow in playing, she ended up on her back. She panicked and started yowling, and I had to go over and pull her out.

    Her favorite bed is a bean bag chair, and she'll get into the oddest positions and then can't get out (the beanbag leather is slippery, which didn't help). I crocheted a coverlet for the beanbag, and that seems to help her get traction.

    I see so much of myself in ChubChub, it's tough to be fat, even if you're a cat.
  • My parents have a cat, and he gained quite a bit of weight after getting fixed. He is an outdoor cat now though - and he runs around like a crazy maniac. Crouches down in the grass like a predator and stalks you or the dogs. Hilarious. I've noticed he has lost weight.

    Also, they feed him mostly protein mixed in his cat food. And no treats. And he really loves to play hide and seek. Likes to be chased. Is that weird?

    Anyways, your cat a lucky to have a caring owner like you!