I'm SO hungry!!!!!!

  • I have been STARVING for days. Even after I eat, I never feel satisfied, let alone full and its not a craving hunger where things just LOOK good to me. This is a real physical, stomach growling type hunger feeling.

    I've been having good protein, good carbs, plenty of hydration... my calories have been averaging 1100-1300/day so yesterday I decided to try to up my calories to see if that would fix it and took my calories to 1650 - still starving!!

  • What are you eating? When I am starving, I eat broccoli or cauliflower by the pound (literally--a pound of broccoli is 150 calories). Do you get plenty of protein and fiber? Is there anything you've stopped or started eating lately?
  • Sounds like you are not eating enough calories. Id be starving as well. Plus, you may be exercising and doing housework, or your job may require you to move more, all that moving you need more to eat.

    Dont worry about how many calories you eat in a day and eat till you are satisfied, not stuffed and see how things go. When I try to limit myself to a certain amount of calories thats all I do all day is obsess about what I can eat and not go over my limit.
  • I know if I don't get enough fats in my diet I am always starving, do you need some healthy fats in there?
  • female, 5'6" and 217 lbs from your sig and 30 yrs just to put down something for age and the lowest activity level because I don't know what it is.


    says that

    Of this, 1,715 calories are required to meet your body's basic energy needs. That amount (your resting energy expenditure) is what you'd use up if you did nothing but lie in bed all day.
    So 1100-1300 is not even enough to fuel your basic systems, never mind fuel anything else. I'm not surprised you are hungry. You cut too much from food. Go higher so it is sustainable -- at least the 1700 if not a bit more, and track your exercise to create more offset.

    For instance, to maintain, I need 2475.

    To lose, I can't go lower than 2000 cal or I feel crazy. But to clock -750 cal total per day, and I can only lop off -500 from food... I need a -250 from the workout to bring it to the -750 I want. (roughly 1.5 lb a week.)

  • I so hear you on this one. There are only a few foods which REALLY fill me. You will have to experiment and see what they are for yourself. For me, homemade beans and brown rice, and steel cut oats are really the only things so far. Since I have upped my exercise, which makes a person hungrier, I have been eating a lot of the above. I concur with the others that you can also eat vegetables to fill in the gaps between meals, but it takes A LOT of them. I also can't do less than about 1800 cals a day. I would go NUTS with hunger.