Patting myself on the back

  • I DID IT!!!!!

    I managed to go into 12 fast food restaurants today to collect water samples and not eat anything from there I thought I was gonna starve to death but I made it.

  • Not that's sticking to it!!

    Way to go!! SO proud!!
  • Man...not even a french fry? That's AWESOME!
  • wow.. that's amazing!
    now the question is why were you collecting water samples?

    good for you!!!
  • I work for the city water resources department and it is a state requirement that I have to pick up 150 samples from different locations throughout the city every month. We divided it up so you have 8 trips of 20 sample (10 extra gives a cushion in case we mess some up in the lab). But almost all the locations are either restaurants or school cafeterias (daycares too). This was a big test for me and I am glad I passed it...wooohoooooo!!!

  • that's a cool job Kim.
    We just got a pur water filter because our tap water tastes yucky. We used to buy bottled water - but with how much I was drinking it was starting to get real pricey.
    Way to go.. you are doing really well. I bet you can't wait till your next weigh in!
  • That is great!!! To be honest I don't think I would have been able to do that. You go!!!!
  • congratulations!!!! how did you manage this??? those fries smell so darn good!!! almost impossible to resist. did you just tell yourself that the water wasn't healthy? or the place was a roach-motel????

    i want the secret!!!!
  • actually I told myself that having a grilled chicken sandwich and being skinny would be much better than those darn fries
  • WOW!!! Now THAT is will power! Way to go!
  • Wow! You go girl!! A big congrats...its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it, huh??
  • Great job! You have more willpower than I!
  • Wow Kim - that is amazing! My only way to stay good is to stay AWAY from the fast food joints! Nice Job!