reALitycHeck !!

  • FiNALLY; i feel like i can be serious about losing weight. Feels like for the last 3 years ive been on a diet and nothing has happened, oh except gaining weight. You know everyone has that last day where your going to eat whatever you want because your starting a "diet" tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and what happens? Nothing, or if it does, it lasts till bout tuesday then you say okay, ill start sunday again! It cant happen like that, if your want to start a diet the time of week shouldnt even be a concern, so here i am.... seriously dieting. I had a reality check a few hours ago. Got on the scale & i am so close to 200 lbs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME ? at my age? Im only 21. Time to get serious. What REALLLLY sucks is i have a broken foot & ankle so exercise is limited. Ill never take that gym membership for granted after this long few weeks is over and I can walk with out the hassel of crutching around.

    So today is when i get serious; and i will be blogging and video bloggin about it to keep me on track.

    Start date April 25th 2009 (happened to be a sunday lol )

    SW: 198.6 lbs
    CW: 194.4 lbs
    GW: 145 lbs

    Im not sure what im going to do to get to this as of yet. but im a planner so thats what I shall do … PLAN. I am going to be following a low G.I diet because I have something called PCOS. Ill get into detail in that a little later.


    I am not the blogging type– it literally took me an hour to figure out how to do this. =) lol

    Have a good day
  • Best of luck jkraft - though luck really has nothing to do with it. It's hard work and perseverance! I'm 22 now (as of less than a month ago) and I think getting on top of your weight issues and starting a healthy lifestyle, changing your habits for the better, etc, is a very clever thing to do when we're our age. You can do it!!!
  • I used to do this all the time also, i would say i would start on Monday and then it would roll around and i would do good till Wednesday and say well ill start next week, then one day i snapped and here i am.. when its time and your ready you know it.

    The blogging is a great idea, it definitely keeps you on track, i would also look through the progress pictures of people when you start wanting to eat that always motivated me to keep going.

    As far as not working out, i have a heart condition so i hardly ever workout and im doing Weight watchers( a form of calories counting) so it can be done without exercise.
    and lastly remember.. nothing tastes as good as thin feels, that snack or food your going to eat will never match the feeling of happiness when you first go down a size or someone throws a compliment your way.. you can do it!
  • Good luck jkraft! We have all had that turning point moment. For me, it was a photo taken at Christmas. What we are all looking for is a lifestyle change, not just a diet.

    At this age, we should all be out having fun and feeling great. Now is not the time to be overweight. My husband and I are beginning to think in the family way, so getting healthy and fit is even more important to me now...I certainly don't want to have added preggers weight to try to take off with the rest of this! In fact, another facet of my turning point was finding that I already weighed more than I should pregnant.

    This time, it's really coming off and staying off for me. The same will happen for you, as long as you have convinced yourself that this is it. Now is the time, chicky! We can do it!
  • That sure sounds like an "AHA" moment to me. Wtg on taking the steps forward. Trust me, you are not alone with your story... I'm 27 now and when I look back on how long I have spent "dieting".... Well, I guess it started when I was around 11 with slimfast bars. And don't get me started on what's wrong with that sentence. lol. Nowadays, and for the last 3 yrs I suppose, I haven't been "dieting" but just living healthy. Journalizing what I eat, knowing what proper portion sizes are (trust me, that was an eye-opener!), and exercising or being active in some way or another each day.

    This ended up being a lot longer than I planned, I would recommend that you keep coming back and finding (and giving) support all over these pages. It helps knowing you're not alone sometimes. Have fun!
  • Prepping bride! Hey it's good to see someone else on here that is my height and weight! When were you married? I actually just got married about a month ago.
  • lol, ma26, I actually saw a post of yours on another thread and had the exact same reaction.... someone my height and weight!!! lol Was going to message you but saw that you just joined so can't do private messaging yet.

    Well, I don't want to hijack jkraft's thread.... so how about if you check out the tall girl's thread at CALLING all tall girls
    Can talk there and maybe catch the attention of other girls too as the thread has kind of fizzled.
  • Hi JKraft,

    I definitely know how you feel! An article I was reading called that "Last Supper Eating"- when you "plan" on going on a diet the next day, so you go into a feeding frenzy! Well, I spent the last 2 years "last supper eating" and managed to eat my way up to 250 lbs. Reality checks are important and we all need them.

    I also can commiserate with you on the broken ankle - I've had plenty of casts and been on crutches too many times to count. It really does suck, you've just gotta keep in mind that it's not forever. We never fully appreciate walking until we can't! Good luck with your goals and with the broken foot!