Personal Appetite Supressors

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  • So, is there anything that just gets rid of your appetite? Not pills.

    Diet Lipton Green Tea works for me for a good minute, especially when I have a craving. And it's zero calories.
  • I just tried Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus for the first time yesterday, and it did work as an appetite suppressor for me. BUT it probably only worked because tea makes me gag. I really don't like the taste of tea, but I'm trying it since people say it helps. It probably won't work once I get more accustomed to it and don't have to gag it down anymore.
  • I dig SF Koolaid, or something similar. Any drink that has 0 calories, really.

    I also find that Fiber One cottage cheese fills me up REAL quick for only 80 calories, because it has a lot of both fiber and protein.
  • yeah, I put on a bikini and look in the mirror. I tell myself I can eat whatever I want as long as I eat it, in the suit, while looking in the mirror... haven't done it once!
  • Good call on the bikini! To answer the question, yep, tea (green or black) or coffee for me. Eating a lot of protein at meals also helps, and eating several small meals (I'm a calorie counter, and being able to eat all the time is great LOL).
  • This obviously isn't an appetite suppressant but brushing my teeth helps. After my teeth are all minty and clean I don't want to eat or drink anything to mess up that nice feeling. It really works.
  • Drinking a big glass of water, especially carbonated water (although tap works fine and it's free!) Unless I'm really, actually hungry, it fills me up!
  • My morning coffee and diet soda.

    Also, my nicotine gum works wonders, but I wouldn't recommend that.
  • Try a glass of room temperature water with half a lemon squeezed in first thing in the morning. It helps a lot, it's bitter but it's just one glass. I've noticed significance in digestion and I don't have as big of an apatite during the day.
  • Quote: yeah, I put on a bikini and look in the mirror. I tell myself I can eat whatever I want as long as I eat it, in the suit, while looking in the mirror... haven't done it once!
    HAHAHA!!! That is a FANTASTIC idea... I wonder what my hubby would think of me spending my evenings lounging around in my bikini...?
  • i rely on sugar free gum, hot tea at night (or cold by the time i get to it!), lots of cold tap water, and when i am having a meal (like the lunch i am having right now, it is home made chili) i make it spicy sometimes... sometimes, if these do not work, i use diet cola but i am trying to get away afrom that because i often find it kills the appetite for a while but when it comes back, it is for sweets instead of healthy food and it is stronger...sooo...
  • oh, I just remembered another! to keep myself from snacking at work, I put on a coat of really nice lipstick in the morning. I don't like to have to worry about messing up my lipstick, so it discourages me from eating -- and if I do eat, I have to do it slowly and carefully. i know it's silly, but it works.
  • Quote: yeah, I put on a bikini and look in the mirror. I tell myself I can eat whatever I want as long as I eat it, in the suit, while looking in the mirror... haven't done it once!
    Lol! Thats awesome! I think I'll have to try this one.
  • really cold water with lemon helps. practically 0 calories and it satisfies my sweet tooth, to a degree
  • Coffee with a little skim milk and flavored coffeemate. I find I get hungry (bad hungry, like for sweets and junk food) when I'm tired, so caffeine helps. I also get hungry when I'm dehydrated, so I'm really trying to drink a big glass of room temp. water when I'm feeling munchie. I drank so much water last night, and realized how great I felt. And to think, all this time I was eating... I could have been drinking water.