I Deleted My Facebook! Whoohoo!

  • So today I searched for myself on google images, and I was HORRIFIED when I saw a picture pop up. I do NOT want my pictures on the internet for people other than my friends to see. So, I decided to delete my facebook account all together. My profile was considered "private" but that did not stop my pictures from being exposed. I'm also hoping that without facebook, I may turn to this website more, which will help with my weight loss. I'm gaining weight fast, and getting stretch marks where I thought only pregnant women got them! (definitely NOT pregnant!). Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself. One addiction marked off the list!
  • Haha I felt the same way about my facebook, but I moved about a year ago and it seems all my old friends would rather talk to me on there than on an instant messenger *I have no phone* so I kept it. I ended up basing my facebook around losing weight. All my friends give me support I need like on here, I keep my weight-log and measurement-log on there so I'm constantly reminded not to forget about working out instead of getting lost in all those ridiculous online games they have. lol
  • I still keep my facebook just to keep up with everyone, since it seems to be much more preferred than instant messaging.

    I googled my name, luckily nothing! :P
  • Just be careful, facebook "owns" every picture you ever posted on the site. As well, even though you deleted your profile it may not really be gone. It's still floating around in cyberspace somewhere.

    The rule and regulations of facebook are seriously exploitative. It's scary and enough to give me second thoughts about posting pictures there. I won't delete my account, because I use it to keep in touch with friends around the world. But I don't post pictures or say anything I wouldn't want a future boss to know about me. I'm lucky my name is so common that I lst time I check there were over 1500 of us male and female on facebook. I don't even make it to page 22 of a google search!
  • I should delete mine, but i do like to keep in touch with people. Sometimes i go through and delete old pictures, especially since I am a teacher and friends with several of my students!
  • Oh goodness. There is no way I will ever be able to delete my facebook :P
    I am 21 and have friends and family all over the world and this is the main way I keep in contact with them. I would die without facebook :P
  • I couldn't delete mine either.
  • I wouldn't be able to delete mine either. I tried to give it up for lent but didn't do so well...
  • No way could I give mine up - it's probably the top way that I keep in touch with friends and families in other cities. I get a lot more information about what's going on in their lives than I'd ever be able to find out via phone or email.

    A scary thought, though - I've had an account there for almost six years. How much time have I wasted and what could I have done with that time if I hadn't blown it on Facebook?!

    I gave mine up last week and feel soooooo relieved!
    I sat there like a fat idiot for hours doing absolutely NOTHING! just clicking around profiles, bored out of my mind but for some reason it had a sick addictive hold on me. I was killing brain cells and getting fatter.

    I wanted to turn to working out more and doing something productive with my life, going outside, reading a book, drawing, writing anything but just SITTING like a broken robot.

    we are free, girl! HALLELUJAH
  • GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I would LOVE to give up my Facebook!! I can't though, nothing to do with friends or family, if i wanted to talk to them I would call LOL.. it is my clients. I try REALLY hard to avoid any images of me on FB, but clients do snag some from time to time then tag me. Sad thing is it is ALWAYS my fat arse getting a picture of me from behind!! Which is one of the main reasons why i am HERE!!