IP Thread April12-18

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  • Can anyone list everything from Lindora that is identical to IP? I keep thinking of ordering, but psych myself out when I look at the ingredients lists.
  • Ladies, thanks for all of your love and support. The last week has been a week from he** to say the least! I don't know what in the heck he is thinking with all of this, actually, I don't think he is thinking! Anyway, one day at a time and a lot of prayers is the only way to get through. Love to you all, thanks for your prayers. My boys are very, very hurt.
  • Quote: Hey everyone, I lost 3.9 lbs this week for a total of 51.8 lbs in just under 3 months!! I just can't believe it
    Way to go Jordanna!! Great News and Awesome results.
    I can only hope for those kind of results!!
  • Fluffymamma- I am thinking of you and your boys today and am sending my prayers. God will hold you up when you are too tired to go on. Have faith in better days. All your IP girls will be there for you.

    Tonight I made a great French dressing with about .5 cup olive oil, 1 tsp worcheshire, some garlic, low sugar Heintz catsup (1 carb), sugar substitute. I loved it! You just need a little bit.
  • Fluffy - so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys.

    Chelle - Thoughts and prayers out to you also.

    Make sure you take care of yourselves, otherwise you will be no good to the people who need you during these tough times.
  • Quote: Good morning everyone! I just had my 6 week wi and I am down
    40 pounds in 6 weeks! I am constantly amazed
    by this diet! Wow!

    Jordanna I am sorry you had such a rough weekend!

    Chelle my thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Chaplains wife your husband is going to love
    your boudoir pictures! What an awesome gift!

  • Quote: Wow, so sorry to hear and we will all be thinking of you all and praying for you.

    Sorry about your day too... sounds like a rough week for many... but we survived it and we keep on keeping on.

    I actually went to hear my beloved Rev Jack yesterday after many years of not being able to (he was in town and I could not resist) and his lesson was to "let go of baggage"...Man did I think about the weight!

    We take on so much "stuff" and hold on to things that only bring us down (and weigh us down) We like to call it stress too and yes, it is baggage. Not easy to just dump but we really need to. Once again I was reminded that "What we think about we bring about" so lets all try to focus on the WONDERFUL things that are happening in our lives and more wonderful things will follow! Even if it is just being able to wake up one more day, breathe, see a flower... whatever it is lets focus on the blessings we have going on all the time that most of us take for granted.

    The beauty of letting go of baggage is that it also open up space for NEW things... don't you like new things? I know I do. So lets do some form of Spring Cleaning in our lives, in our minds and in our thoughts! Our mind is SO POWERFUL and we keep filling it with "negative" thoughts... lets try and catch ourselves and make it POSITIVE thoughts instead

    I'm sorry if I went all "motivational speaker" on everyone... I just really enjoyed his speech and found it SO APPROPRIATE that I wanted to share.

    Chelle, I will start to "see" your husband as a healthy vibrant person in my mind too. And all you ladies (and gentlemen that may be reading this as well) as stunning fit people with AMAZING success stories for all!

    We can do it!!!

    I think what you said is amazing. Thank you for being motivational this day!!
  • Quote: You know what, my coach says this is something that happens ALL THE TIME. People get close to their goal, and there like..if I can go this far..whats a little more? I changed mine to 160 and I might go a little lower to be in the "healthy" BMI range im supposed to be in which is 156 for my height, be very lucky you were only 75 lbs overweight. I would trade anything if thats how much I weighed. I am 193 lbs overweight haha and I was only 18! Thats like 1 overweight person right there. Don't be bummed your doing great and its not that many more pounds to go!
    Joshb, I looked at your picture and thought, he must be close to being done, you look great! Wow...you've lost over 100 pounds, that's amazing! Good job!!
  • Fluffy, so sorry to hear your news. Will keep you and your little guys in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Quote: I just started on Friday, does anyone on the IP diet have celiac disease? I really wish they made gluten free bars or snacks so I could chew on something other than a vegetable. I'm also dealing with hypoglycemia so I just feel like I have no energy and am constantly light-headed. They said I could have an additional packet (since I can't have a bar) but I don't want to slow my weight loss down.
    Good morning! I have not been diagnosed with Celiac's but I do have a very bad intolerance to any gluten or wheat products (and any lactose products!) That makes being on this plan a little more difficult, but not impossible!

    Because of this, I am basically on the "boot camp" version of this diet. I can safely eat the jello, puddings (cause minor reaction), cranberry/pom drink, and the drinks (cappuccino and chocolate drinks) I am sure there are other items available that are gluten free, but I cannot speak to them because they have whey or lactose in them and give me a severe reaction! Perhaps if you ask your coach to give you a print out of which items are gluten free it will make your life a little easier!

    Come to think of it, I believe someone had posted a chart of all products' ingredient breakdown including carbs, calories, gluten free etc. Does anyone still have that chart?

    Good Luck!
  • Quote: ok, well I'm going to be honest with y'all cause at this point I need all the support I can get. My husband left this week. We have only been married 6 mo and I guess he decided he couldn't handle the commitment of being married. I am distraught to say the least, I am totally in love with this man and my two boys have hit bottom with this news. They feel like their dad (they call him dad, he has been more of a dad than their bio dad) walked out on them and they are devastated. I am super stressed and my nerves are shot and on top of all of it am trying to stay on a diet! I am telling you all this to say, I need your prayers. For me and my two boys. And for my husband, that he comes to his senses and comes home. He leased an apt. and moved on Fri. This was out of the blue to say the least! Please pray for me
    Fluffy, I am so sorry to hear about this turn of events in your life. Chin up little one. Please remember that we are all here for you and thinking and praying for you and you children (and your husband)
  • Quote: i cant wait till i get those little comments but yet im sure ill be in the same boat as u, as in i doubt ill b ready and comfortable enough to truly" belive" them! thats aweseome that u have such a supporting husband to help u along the way even tho uve lost some of those "parts" haha im sure hes just loving it! you are truly an insperation to me and look forward to reading the rest of ur posts!
    Awww, thanks so much! Look forward to getting to know you along this journey!
  • Came across this article this morning. Just thought I'd share!

  • OH no! I ordered the Linora products yesterday, but I hope they get here before I run out of IP! Buying more IP would put the kebash on my cheap plan!

    And after 1 1/2 weeks, finally got the scale to move..I started writing down every carb and keeping it below 25g per day. Who knew eating too many veggies could stall me?? I figured it was better than eating pasta as a side dish! Is there no justice in this world?

    Thank you all for your help and wisdom, this site has really helped me.
  • Quote: I guess some people are more sensitive to Aspertame than others. I drink 1 diet pepsi everyday and it has not affected my weight loss at all. I weighed on my scale this morning and was 181. That is 24 lbs in 5 weeks. I tried to give it up completely and did for a while but figure 1 isn't so bad.
    I have lost a pound this morning so I guess there was no harm done. Before this diet I rarely touched any soda but now a diet coke when everyone else has cocktails seems like such a treat. But I was worried it was affecting my weight loss so I have iced tea with splenda instead now. But you know what? I don't really know whether it was that or a few too many vegetables or meat. You're really just guessing with some of this...And as I said, it seems like such a wonderful indulgence when you're on IP. I'm glad your weight loss isn't affected and congratulations on the 24 pounds. You need to update your signature!