Struggling on

  • On the fringes of OP but not too far off. Getting there. Holy Week services done and good but visitors to the church yesterday stole my mobile phone and a lunula - part of the Benediction set. The creepy thing is they're lurking round the church a lot and even came into the service tonight.... bit scary.

    Have a good Easter, everyone!
  • Oh my goodness, Rosinante! Now, there's an occupational hazard that had never occurred to me!!!!! I guess when thieves come into a service you can't exactly kick them out!

    You should write a book!
  • So sorry to hear about the theft. I can't understand someone stealing from a church! What nerve! I am sure this has been a busy week for you. It will be easier to stay on plan next week.
  • It's awful that someone stole things from the church. What can you say about that??

    I hope when next week comes - things won't be so stressful.

    Take care now.
  • Doesn't stealing from a church or a from a person in a church guarantee the person a quick ticket to H***? Just kidding!! Sorry to hear you had a tough time.
  • Hoping things are looking up for you!! Sounds like you are hitting some rough times - just know they can't go on forever. Stay on plan and get through this! Huggles!
  • Thanks, guys. Went in to check today and no break-ins or anything, so all ok. I think it helped that a) at the Saturday service I told the whole congregation about the Friday thefts (pointed no fingers) and told them to watch their possessions. The (alleged) thieves stayed for about 15 minutes, which was intimidating but I guess they knew there'd be no pickings.

    Then b) we have an Ethiopian church meets in our building, and they had a service from 8pm to 5am, with about 600 in attendance and a lot of police attention to keep them safe. Maybe the (alleged) thieves saw it wasn't the easy target they'd expected.That's what I told myself when the Ethiopian drumming was still going on under my window at 4am, anyway.

    Tomorrow, which is actually today, is going to be a seriously OP day.

    Courage, all!
  • What an awful feeling that must be! We had someone steal from our church (twice actually, if you count a car that was parked outside that was broken into) - it was unnerving for me as a parishioner so I can imagine how it felt being the rector!

    Good luck this week - I hope it's looking better for you.
  • How unpleasant! You should feel your stuff is safe at church of all places.

    Totally OT,but I'm a seminary student in Canada. Nice to see female clergy around!