How do you fight discouragement?

  • So, I have been having some stomach issues that are sorting themselves out (I hope!), but the scale is still hovering at 308lbs-309lbs (and sometimes leaning a bit too close to 310lbs for my liking.

    I am feeling kind of grumpy today. Something happened yesterday where I just felt like I have so much to offer and give, and yet, it is completely ignored. Someone who is not very loyal did something that I knew they would do. But, despite their actions, they are still heralded and well, I am feeling like the person in a position of power prefers someone who is not loyal all because of image and respect issues. Sigh. I am just going to have to keep my head up and do the best that I can, though, even when I do well, this person seems irritated at the possibility of ever saying something positive about me.

    That and my weight hovering is making me irritable at almost everybody. I am trying to just stay focused on my food and what I need to eat and how much water I should drink and just try and ignore that other stuff that is going on.

    How do you deal with discouragement when the scale isn't budging? I know that for me, I do have a pattern of being the same weight for days, and then all of a sudden I may be down a pound or 2.
  • As it happens with me most of the time, it sounds like your discouragement is coming from more places than just your weight being stagnant. I am actually in a very similar position as you at work and it's very frustrating. It makes me want to just eat whatever sometimes so I can focus of not being irritated about my co-worker/superior. But I know that won't help me at all. I just do my best to do what you're doing... keep on going, just stay on plan with my food/water/exercise and don't worry about things I can't control. I can't control this person I work with, but I can control what I put in my mouth and how I treat my body. I know you're discouraged now, but imagine when your scale drops below 300!! You'll be so excited you won't be worrying about this stall you're having now. You're down 17 pounds already!! 17 POUNDS! That's a LOT!! You're doing great, so just stay on the path you're on and keep going.
  • This will sound weird, but the more you accept that this process isn't just about weight-loss per se, the less and less you will feel discouraged about hitting a bit of a plateau. You have to focus on the other reasons why you have decided to make changes in order to make it over those humps. So, make a list. What are you those reasons? Here are some of mine:

    1) I want to beat the binge monster. The more often I say no to my desires to eat my trigger foods, the better and more empowered I feel.

    2) I need to get my insulin levels and PCOS under control. Eating better and exercising changes a person's blood chemistry for the better and helps with these kinds of issues.

    3) Even when the numbers on the scale don't go down, I can see changes in my body and my clothes fit better.

    4) I love the way that working out makes me feel stronger.

    And my final suggestion?

    Don't weigh yourself more often than once a week. Just don't. It might kill you to do this, but really, try to overcome the urge to step on that thing every morning if you're having difficulty keeping the numbers in perspective. There's too much that can happen day-to-day that has nothing to do with actual losses or gains of fat, but will show up on the scale anyway.
  • I agree if the scale is making you feel bad then don't weigh in too often. I weigh in a few times a week but the number doesn't dictate my mood.

    Work can be terrible- lately I feel like I'd rather stay out of things and just do what I have to do to keep my job. It seems to work for me. I've stopped going above and beyond to be honest lol. AND honestly it's working for me.