I want to lose 70 pounds.

  • Hello all, I currently weigh 207 pounds but being overweight is a relatively new experience for me.
    As a kid and teenager I was slim and athletic, I even did cross country running in High School. When I went off to college I weighed around 130, but I gained around twenty pounds in my first year. At the time I was lonely, missed my family and friends from home (even though I was only two hours away) and I turned to eating for comfort.
    I adjusted after the first year and lost 15 of the pounds by the time I graduated from college in 2007.
    A year later I moved with a friend from Wisconsin to the east coast.
    This is really where my struggle with weight and overeating began. I guess there were a bunch of factors this time. I experienced loneliness again, I turned to eating for a source of comfort like I did in college. My roommate (who I love as a sister) didn’t encourage my eating habits- she was constantly cooking and baking ‘unhealthy food’ which I was all too willing to help her eat. I guess another factor was my metabolism which is probably slower then it was in 2003.
    So with that in mind, fast forward to early 2010 and my weight has soared from 135 to 207 pounds. I look in the mirror and I can’t believe the reflection I see. So much of my weight gain has gone to my legs and butt and I have a ridiculously flabby pear shaped figure. I have cellulite and stretch marks on skin that was once smooth. It hurts to see that this is what I have to done my body. I have always struggled with self confidence but since I’ve gained all this weight- outside of work I don’t like leaving my apartment, and my love life is non existent. Ok, so enough blabbing
    I want to lose the weight I have gained I want to get back in my 130’s. My first goal is to be under 180 by the Fourth of July. I hope I can do this.
  • Good for you
    I am new here too. Just like you. It seems like 27 pounds is definitely doable, and really a good goal to start. Also I think that just working out is really going to help your self esteem. However, this self loathing hurts my ears. Girl you need to start seeing the positive. Have you ever met someone who successfully lost and kept the weight off with self loathing? Especially since what you are planning on doing is like the ultimate form of love you can give yourself. In order to receive that love you have to feel like you deserve that love.
  • I'm here to say that 70 pounds is certainly doable!