300+ Weekly Thread, #1255

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  • Hi everyone.... I haven't posted in a few months and I had the urge to check in. (Haven't had a computer at home for awhile now) I lost about 36 lb between September and November and then went on a sort of hiatus due to some unexpected health related issues. Apparently I continued to drop weight more slowly though, which I'm thrilled about. I weighed in for the first time in a long time after Christmas and was pleasantly surprised to see I'd lost a few more. I really don't know how. lol. Maybe I just kicked my metabolism into high gear when I was kicking a$$ those 2 months. I'm currently at 50lb lost since I started posting here at the beginning of September, and I'm hoping to REALLY get back into high gear now, and take off a lot more! With the warm weather coming about, I have very high hopes.

    I've never lost 50lb. People comment. I don't wear the biggest size in the store anymore. My 24 jeans will be big before long. I had to buy new bras. I can actually see a visible difference in pictures. It's amazing. This place was a great source of motivation for me. I really hope to be able to check in at least semi-regularly. Hope everyone is well!
  • thinmintintraining, Thanks for posting about your compliments. I get discouraged thinking that no one will notice until I'm near goal (or that I won't deserve compliments until then), but I think it's important to realize that while we may not be little yet, we are looking MUCH better, and we're working hard!
  • Thanks everyone. I feel so different today. There is chocolate in the house, and I have no desire to eat it. I feel so focused right now that I know I have to make hay while it stays, because if nothing else, I know this feeling can be very fleeting. I'm going to eat my breakfast, make lunch and head off to school early to get some work done on my term paper.

    You guys are my rock at times.
  • Afternoon All!!

    Paradise, you're welcome!! I have read a lot of posts about people making rude or snide comments and it's hurtful I'm sure and it's also hurtful when you are working very hard and no one seems to notice. As I have posted before, losing weight is hard enough by itself without people saying hurtful things. ANY loss is a step in the right direction! Sometimes though I think that people notice but they aren't sure whether they should say anything or don't really know what to say.

    Just keep your head up and stay strong!! We can and WILL do this...TOGETHER!! For some people there is just nobody there to give support and encouragement which is why that I am so glad for this website. Even though people have complimented me it's still nice to be able have a place to go where there are people that are where I am and have been where I am and know what it's like! Congrats on your current weight loss and I wish you well on the rest of your journey!
  • Hey All~

    Ratkitten: I am working on the fluids thing, so far hasn't been a problem. It's the protein that is getting to become the problem. I am finding that I am getting sick of the drinks I have and don't yet have the money to get the unflavored stuff to add to what I'm eating. Once I do that, it'll be the second time I have had to change my protein intake method because my stomach no longer agreed with the one I was using. But I will eventually figure something out. Thanks so much for the congratulations. I know it's mostly because I was on the liquid diet, but I still did a little dance when the nurse gave my my loss total. My doctor advised that I will have less energy for the first month or so, so I was kinda expecting it, it's just a lot more severe than when I had the surgery for my band, but small strides and I'll get through.

    babble: Yes, it is perfectly normal. If it wasn't I'd be calling my surgeon and demanding he run some tests. I'm just one of those whose used to doing for herself and now I have to rely on my son or boyfriend to do some things or I am moving really slow, which kinda makes me feel bad because I feel like I'm holding everyone else up. I'll get over that feeling, I'm sure though. I appreciate your well wishes and congrats.

    As for me, I had a better evening with showering and drying off without getting too tired. I had to modify my walk route since I was a bit ambitious just starting out yesterday after having been out of it for at least three weeks. I still felt good when I got home and I got my heart rate up. Slow and steady, right? That's all I can ask for and all I can do at the moment.

    Hope everyone is doing well and if not, I offer my hugs to ya.
  • Rat..

    I work in a lab so I am familiar with C diff..I have also and MRSA remember? UGH! I dont have the diarrhea anymore..just the nausaea and stomach pains. I called the GI dr today..and the MA said to put the prescription through the pharmacy. and they will send them a fax stating the insurance has denied it. Then they call the insurance to see if they will cover it..which they wont..then he will let me know what the next steps are.

    Last night all I did was cry for about 2 hours til I feel asleep. Which does not help.

    I want my grandma back! I know I cant and its not fair..but when she was alive all was well and no matter what happened she was there. How in the world can someone mean so much to you and once they are gone..its horrible!

    I hope my youngest is not going through what I am. I am taking hmi to the Dr again tomorrow. See what she says.
  • *hugs* Cyn! I'm so sorry you are so down lately. I wish I could say something wise and insightful to help you grieve for your grandma.

  • Morning all....

    Well, I had a good visit with my new endo. I really like her! She actually listened to me! Her window for TSH levels is MUCH narrower (0.5-2.5) than my PCP's(0.5-5.0) (I am at 2.1 as of the beginning of Feb.) and she is willing to bump me up on my meds to get me lower in the normal range. However, she feels something else is going on and wants me to do some testing to rule some things out. If we find nothing..she will up my thyroid meds to try and get rid of my hypo symptoms that are making me nuts!! I am doing a 24 hour creatinine test of Sun-Mon to check my cortisol levels. Part of the bloodwork will be a serum cortisol test. Then the following Monday she has me coming in to the lab to do 2 pages worth of testing including Blood Glucose levels since the last time I had that done (3 years ago ) my fasting # was 99...which my PCP said was fine and she said she would be concerned with since it is only 1 point under where she starts treatment! Geesh! She is also testing hemoglobin A1C which I guess is also diabetes related. She is also doing a complete metabolic panel. In addition she will be testing a bunch of hormones. Lets hope for some answers!! I feel good that at least she is *trying* to figure things out and doesn't think I am crazy..or at least doesn't act like she does.

    Had another great on plan day and did my 3.5 miles in an hour on the treadmill at the gym. I feel good this AM...they say the rain is stopping today...I will believe it when I see it.

    Sorry so long...lots going on...... Have a good one!
  • Yesterday was a rough day. Everyone around me (myself included) was in a terrible mood. I had little sleep, and a meagre breakfast, which I now know sets me up for a wonky day of eating. Lesson learned, eat a good breakfast ALL days, not just most, and staying on plan will be much easier. So anyway, all the factors combined, and my bad mood on top of that, I blew my calorie goal yesterday. Badly. I let myself give in to my friends' suggestions of eating at a pub where healthy choices are hard to make instead of sticking to my guns and insisting on somewhere better, or at least a food court where I could find something better. I shut my brain off and ate triscuits and cream cheese from the box while watching tv, then all of a sudden the box was gone. Just... bad, bad choices. By the time I went to bed I felt like crap, physically and emotionally. Just kept telling myself that today would be a better day, that today was a fresh start.

    Pleased to report that today I am sticking to my plan, got out and went for a walk around downtown, did some errands, and have made a plan to go out for a Booster Juice with my ex-roommate, Kevin, and have a good old rant over a healthy but tasty veggie juice blend! I feel a million times better, and have answered my old question of how to deal when I feel like I blew it. By proving to myself that I can do better the next day, and learning from my mistakes, I feel better than ever. Just wanted to share
  • Hi Hippiemama..welcome back to the group!

    Torister: sounds like you have a good caring Endo Dr!

    Rat: When I was going to therapy she said to me I have to learn to not live in the past..easier said then done..BUT I will try.

    Took my youngest to the Dr today. She si going to do the barrium test and she took blood. She also explained something interesting to my son who LOVES playing video games. She said that since he plays so much and doesn't get outside to burn off the cortisol that is building up in his gut..like when you are stressed..that could be one part of the problem. He agreed to get more active. When she explained it..it so made some sense.

    We both agree part of it is probably him going to a new school. Again..mom guilt for moving him

    I am starting to read the book "the yeast connection" The Dr asked me to read it and see if any of it applies to me..I would say the whole book does. She wants me to start implementing it into my life. It will be so hard!!! BUT I know atleast not eating processed food would help! PS I weighed myself at the Dr's since I dont have a scale..I am down 3 more lbs! yeah!

    Good luck to me
  • Just a quick drive by. I have a busy day today. I have organized and am running a business meeting/luncheon for about 60 people today. Fortunately I did the menu..so I can eat *and* stay on plan!! WOOHOO!! I love when that happens.
  • Hi everyone!!!! Hugs to you 'oldies', returners & newbies!!! xxxxxxx
    Just 'hanging on' hormones, worries about my Dad's surgery ( & WHEN is it getting done!!!?) & just feeling cr*ppy. Re-committing on Monday, feel a failure coming on here & don't want to be a downer, but I will try to be more positive once Monday comes!
    xxxxxxxx sharon
  • Good Morning ladies..how is everyone today? Im doing ok I guess still looking for work and getting more and more discouraged..I did have an interview at home depot last saturday for a cashier but the lady that interviewed me said that they have a certain way they do hiring she said they will be interviewing people till the end of march-mid april and then after that they will be calling people back for a 2nd interview so i asked her when should i call back to see if i am going to get a 2nd interview and she said to call back in a month! and Im thinking to myself A MONTH! Im thinking to myself ok but Im still gonna continue to look for work I cant wait a month for you to decide but other than that nothing new on the job front except that I have signed up with a couple job agencies a couple of weeks ago and they havent been able to find me anything either I call them once or twice a week and I applied at places like walmart, kmart, sears, cvs, target, kroger, etc and I called all of them back to find out if i could get an interview and they all told me they are not hiring right now...GRRRRR it's so frustrating and NOW today they said that the unemployment extension probably isnt going to be extended again its due to expire april 5th so it has been rough for me lately and the last couple of weeks my diet and exercise has gone completely out the window BUT...

    My husbands parents bought us the wii fit plus w/ balance board for our birthdays ( march and april) and we finally found one yesterday so we bought it and today I am getting back on track with diet and exercise and I love the wii fit plus..I already did my workout today for 45 mins I did a 25 mins run and I did 20 mins of stepping which ended up being over 1900 steps and I feel good and my eating is back on track today too so I am happy to be back on track with diet and exercise.

    Sorry if I rambled and sorry this is so long
    talk to you later ladies
  • I am now down to 308lbs. Yay! In a little over 1 month I have lost 10lbs, and mainly by dietary changes, and not even strict calorie reduction. Woo hoo!
  • Afternoon Ladies!! Hope all is well with everyone! Congrats on your loss million!! WTG! I'm still hangin in waitin on the official weigh in which will be two weeks from today!! It's so hard not to jump on the scale everyday but I am managing just fine! I discovered last night that I am not eating anywhere near the calories that the sites say I should eat which is probably good in a way but I am not feeling ferocious hunger pains so I don't eat all that much

    I know it's not gonna come off fast but I sure wish it would!! Sometimes I feel like it's gonna take years and years to get to goal but I have to keep going regardless!! Curves is going great and I am burning calories but I feel like I need to do a bit more. Maybe I can get back on the tennis court soon. I have no idea how to play, I just like hittin the ball back and forth. That's a workout by itself for me