Taking a day off?

  • Do you guys usually take a day off from exercising in the week? I really don't feel like I have the energy to do it today. (I was out last last night dancing and karaoke-ing my butt off) And today I'm pretty sore and tired. It'll be the first day all week I haven't done my workout and I feel guilty, but I also feel like my body is screaming for one day of rest.
  • I have a really hard time taking a day off each week, but it's something I make myself do. But that said, I usually try to do something on my days off, like taking a slow walk outside or doing all my apartment cleaning for the week that day! It helps me feel less guilty!
  • I work out hard, 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. Lift heavy, run, cardio. I take both Saturday and Sunday off, and play with my kids. I try to include some sort of outside activity, walking, cleaning up, etc, but for the most part, these are my rest days. Then back to my schedule Monday morning!
  • I shoot for 4 workouts a week right now. I don't have a set pattern other than Sundays off because of church eating up so much of that day.

    The other rest day sort of "floats" for when I need it most.

  • I take a day off mostly because my body needs that day to recuperate and prevent injury. Right now, my shins are hurting (hopefully shin splints aren't forming) and my feet and thighs are sore, making going up and down stairs a little tiring.
  • If you exercise hard, it's actually good to take some rest now and then to recuperate.
  • Yes rest days are important---but sometimes hard to do.
  • I rest twice a week, if I don't my workouts suffer and I don't put as much intensity that I should because I'm overtired. I think many trainers will recommend rest days across the board.
  • I have Wednesdays and Saturdays off. Run Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, weight training Monday and Friday. Your body needs rest, that's when your muscles get stronger. Training creates little micro tears in your muscles, and the healing process is what strengthens them. That's my understanding anyway.
  • I currently do weight training on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Then I do cardio on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. So I have one rest day actually, only on Sunday.

    But I'm going pretty hard at this point, normally I have another day of total rest.