Hip Size - Size of Bones

  • I am pretty sure that I know the answer to this and it's a silly question, but I am just really curious.

    Would you say that the size your hips were when you were at your littlest is probably the acutal size of your hips (other than the unmoveable layers of muscle, CT, etc.)? It seems like I dont have that much fat on my hips, but they are about 7 inches more than they used to be and I was just really wondering if my real hips are somewhere under there or if this is it? How many inches have most of you lost?

  • My hips are not budging. I kind of feel the same way about them... I don't know if they are any bigger than they were in high school, but I feel like I really don't have anything left to lose there without becoming skin and skeleton, and I'm a size 8, which is great but not particularly tiny.
  • how old were you when they were 7 inches smaller? i know that my body changed a lot in my later teenage years - from not very curvy to an extreme hourglass.

    my hipbones stuck out even at my highest weight, but over the course of 30 lbs I lost about 3-4 inches on my hips. i think i'll get rid of 1 more if i can ever drop the last 10 lbs. but it will come from my butt/thighs, rather than where the hips bones are (i'm wider lower than my hipbones, and the widest measurement determines the way you fit in clothes).
  • Pretty much from the time I was 14 (this is there after puberty size) until the time I was 20. I just gained the weight in about the past 6 months when my vehicle came to campus and I stopped walking ever day... I feel like they have to be under there somewhere...I hope
  • Your hip measurement is over your butt as well, so that is where you may be storing some of those extra inches I know that's the case for me - I have a Kardashian booty even at my smallest!!
  • I know the front of my hip (where your hip bones are) is not fatty, but I have love handles that would make the measurement higher. I would say that your bone size would only have changed if you have had children, otherwise its just extra tissue (fat or muscle) that you have stored there.