Do you still look overweight at a size 12?

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  • I'm a size 12 and I admit it, I look overweight. I think that is partly because of my shape which is an apple. I am such an apple that my belly size equals my hip size. Eeeek.

    The other problem is I have a very small frame. And it's fat not muscle wrapped around that frame. My weight is lighter than others the same size as me, but actually I'm fatter than the scale says.

    But I definitely look smaller than I used to. And I guess I look okay and normal in clothes, but I don't want to deal with my beer belly and back rolls anymore.
  • What is "normal" is relative. What is important is your overall health and energy level.
  • I currently wear 12/14 depending on the brand, and I still look overweight. But everyone looks different. For me, I think I'll have to be an 8 to feel and look more normal - that's the smallest adult size I've ever worn, so it makes sense as a goal for me. But even if I still look overweight, I can still look good, so I'm fine with it for now and just hoping it'll get smaller over time.
  • I'm a size 12. Depending on what time of the month could be a tight or a loose size 12.

    I still look overweight, because I lost weight around my mid-drif but not much on my arms or my legs or even my face!! So they still look chunky. Plus I didn't lose any around my breast- which some would say is a blessing, but I'm short with short legs and big breasts. I think I still look chunky.

    I think it depends on the person and where they lose the weight. Everyone loses it in different places. A 5ft 8, size 12 woman will look more in proportion than say me whose 5ft and a matchstick!
  • To be honest, I felt overweight at 5'5 and size 12, infact I think I was a 12 or 14 (which was my highest) when I decided to go on the weight loss journey 6 years ago. I have stayed a size 4 ever since (except now that I'm pregnant)
  • I am 5'2" with the bone structure of a tall person...(I am a size 10/12) While I think that I look really good and curvy at this size...I still think that I look over weight, but it depends who is looking at you. In my family I am considered perfect bc I am smaller than even my younger cousins. (I am Italian, and I guess we like meat on our bones). Most of my peers (late teens early 20's age group) would probably still categorize me as downright fat. That is why my goal is 150, its still 30 lbs away, and I do not see myself being smaller than an 8...that is what I consider to be perfect.