I never learn...

  • I had a bad day at work. We had a "administration team building lunch" at work today, which didnt turn out to be very team building at all. In fact, I got shot down and humiliated in front of the group. I spent the afternoon feeling really down. Truth be told, since we moved here 7 months ago, I havent really felt like I fit in anywhere. And the comment that was made at lunch today just made me feel even more isolated. So in the back of my head, I knew that I should have come home and gone for a run to de-stress. But in the front of my head all I could think was "ICECREAM". So I came home just as DH was leaving for work, and I had a GIANT sundae for dinner. Yup, for dinner. And guess what? I dont feel better, I feel worse. I keep falling into this - dealing with my unhappiness by eating. How do I get to the point where I can resist acting on that urge and recognize the actual outcome of doing it? I am so frustrated with this.

    Now I feel alone and like a failure. Great.
  • I don't know what was said to you, but I hope you don't dwell in it. Everybody is critisized at one time or another, and we just have to learn to roll with it. I know from experience that it's harder to do that when you're sensitive, but next week you probably won't give a crap about what was said. So why beat yourself up about it now? You know you don't deserve it.

    And you are so NOT a failure. You had a bad day and treated yourself. So what? I know it's a bad habit to lose, but you seem to have been doing well. Losing 27 pounds is not easy (I'd KILL to have lost that much).

    You're human. Cut yourself some slack.
  • You're not a failure. None of us are perfect, we all have slip ups.

    Tomorrow is a brand new day - you can't undo the ice cream for dinner (and I've so been there) but you can go to sleep, wake up tomorrow and learn from it - You said it yourself - you went for the ice cream, and it didn't make you feel better, you felt worse - so now, next time you know - its not going to make you feel better, you should go run.

    You'll get through it!
  • we all have days like this. at least you acknowledged that the icecream didn't make you feel any better! tomorrow is a brand new day, & one slip up won't totally hinder your weightloss. just try to stay positive.
  • Don't worry we all have bad days and drawbacks. Just look at what you have accomplished! You have lost a ton of weight! Be proud of yourself and don't let others make you feel bad about you!
  • I'm sorry that you're having a hard time. It sucks when you feel like you don't really fit in. I don't think we ever grow out of that elementary school mentality of feeling like an outsider sometimes. But consider this a learning experience. You thought you'd feel better with some ice cream, you didn't so next time you feel sad, upset, down etc. Remember how you feel right now after your sundae dinner and pause and then go for a run instead. We all have to learn, right?

    PS. Where in Canada are you now, if you don't mind me asking?
  • You just have to think, like the girls are saying tomorrow is a new day. Eat healthy and do a good work out.. About the work situation stay positive and I hope things get better for you.. Hugs...
  • :hugs:

    Chalk it up as a learning experience. Ice-cream, sweets, and other soft foods iundicate "heart hunger" -- which makes sense after your awful lunch. You felt in need of nurture.

    Think about non-food self-nurture for next time -- things that are truly emotionally nurturing for you -- bubble bath? Time to read? Sorting photos?

    Maybe work on fitting in, finding friends, a spiritual home, clubs, whatever it is that makes you connect to your community.

  • thanks, guys. And you are right. Things just seem really hopeless today, you know? And I am home all alone this evening, so I sure appreciate your support - I know I dont do a ton of posting here, but this place has been really helpful for me.

    ...and I think I will take that bubble bath, actually. Great idea!

    Oh and Shantroy - I am in Vancouver right now. You are in Calgary, right? Great city - I have some very dear friends there, and I love to visit when I can.
  • lovesjm, ahhh Vancouver. One of my all time favourite cities in Canada. I have several dear friends and some not so dear family that live there. I love visiting in the summer. My only complaint about Calgary is the lack of water! I'm a water baby and wish there was some sort of body of water around here. Can't stand Vancouver's rain though. Too gray for me!

    However, if you're ever in Calgary and need a workout buddy or good healthy restaurant suggestions let me know!
  • The most important thing: acknowledge that it was a slip up and let yourself move on. Get up tomorrow and continue on with your plan as if it never happened, forgive yourself. There isn’t a single person on this board who has not had a moment (or a day or a week or a month!) just like that.

    And don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself!!
  • A bubble bath, a girly book, and maybe a nice, sweet but controlled fruit smoothie? Heck, you could even make it healthy!

    It's hard to stop emotionally eating. I realise that it's theprimary factors of.. whenever I gain weight, actually. And an issue is that I don't really want to stop I try to have healthier, MORE delicious alternatives.