Sat am.. gotta post!

  • Good morning everyone

    I checked a few times, and I hope it's ok that I start the posts for Saturday. I have to get offline now and go get things done.

    I had a good week back to work. School started on Monday and the kids were back in on Wednesday. Three of us are walking at noon hours. We couldn't go yesterday (well I guess we COULD have but we didn't want to) as it was raining pretty hard. I managed to get thru Friday "treat day" ok too! My office is right next door to the staff room... danger zone on Fridays! I brought my own "treat" and got thru. Hopefully that will continue to work for me.

    Am down 8.5 pounds now. Things are finally starting to move. Coming off the Celexa helped, I'm sure. I've been off it 7 weeks now (under dr's supervision) and am still feeling fine. Hopefully my bout with it has been licked. I'm definitely pulling out my special lamp by mid Sept. and will faithfully use it for the winter. Last winter I didn't, and I'm sure that contributed to the depression.

    For those of you who don't know what the heck I'm talking about *L... it's a full-spectrum light you sit in front of for 1/2 hour a day for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) for those of us who are in the more northern part of the hemisphere.

    If anyone IS interested... here is a link for buying the lights and a bit about the disorder...

    I hope everyone has a great Saturday
  • Hi JudoMom,

    Are we the only ones here today. It is the long weekend. So maybe people are away for the weekend. I has been raining here today. This A.M. I went to some garage sales with DS & his GF in the rain. I spent about $3. Found 4 books---I like historical fiction. The I bought a few other things.

    Yesterday later in the afternoon--I was a bit upset about staying the same for 2 weeks in a row--& tired of counting points & weighing food. So I sort of blew it for the rest of the day. I am back on track today.

    DH & I are staying home for the long weekend. Not too much planned. DS is making dinner tonight. He is making hamburgers. They have 35 gm. of fat--so I told him I would have something else. That is jus too many points.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Just when you think your alone - HELLO !!!!!

    Just plopped in to say hi, don't have much time cause I'm being paged

    Glad to see your weekend is going good.
    Judo congrats on the weight loss, believe me 8.5 lbs is a HUGE amount when your having a hard time even losing one

    April - BOOOO some times my keeper lets me off my leash and guess where the first place I run to I'm glad to hear your back on track - good girl !!!

    Gotta run.

    TTYS, Love Leenie