I DID IT......I survived!

  • I made it thru the weekend and even had to go to a restaurant and still DID IT.

    I also walked (2 times on Saturday) and today, Monday morning it is raining here and I still WALKED! I know I have to rain or shine, I can't give myself an excuse NOT to.

    I am still amazed that the counting calories is working for me.

    I am MINUS 3 lbs in my first week.

    Here's to many more and again - THANK YOU FOR YOR SUPPORT!
  • Fantastic start! Keep that momentum going, good things are ahead! Good work.

  • YAY! Keep going! It's been great having you here and I am so happy you are seeing results!
  • Woo hoo! What an awesome weekend. Congrats on staying strong at the restaurant and getting all that exercising. Keep up the great work!!!
  • Good for you! I love that you walked in the rain! When I used to go to the gym I made it a point to go every single day even if I was sick. I wouldn't necessarily work out, but I still got up and went. Sometimes I just hit the locker room, turned around and went back home. It was the habit I was after and it worked very well.
  • You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up and watch those pounds disappear.
  • Atta girl!! There is to be no stopping you now. You can really, really do this!!! In fact you ARE doing this!!

  • Great job !!! The first step is the hardest .I have been doing this for over a year now. I am down almost 80 pounds. I started at over 300 pounds and that first walk to so much courage . I thought people would stare at such a huge girl out walk up the hills of sanfrancisco . I was wrong ,people have been wonderful .I have 70 pounds left to go . I am doing it one step at a time.
  • congrats on a great first week!!
  • Look at you, girl!! It's amazing that this really works...just like the AA adage..."It works if you work it!".
  • THANKS everyone............for your encouragement and EXAMPLE