Need a pep talk.

  • I am just all out of wack today. Snowed in, took a nap so my calorie burn is lower than normal. Ate a healthy dinner but now I am home alone and all I want is cookies. Or cake. Or cupcakes. I feel like that is definately falling back into my old, comfortable habit. In the past I would just sit at home, make a dozen chocolate chip cookies and eat them, one by one, in the order of smallest to largest. I know I can't do that but I just needed to vent and by posting I feel am making myself accountable.

    Ok, bring on the pep!!!
  • take everything one day at a time and you will be ok.dont give up
  • just think of how proud & satisfied you will be tomorrow if you resist your huge urge
  • Hang tough....your helping me not give into the urge to comfort some bad news with a half gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
  • Hang in there! Think about how proud you will be for making it through without eating those cookies. You can do it!
  • Well, I at an orange and drank a ton of water. Did not eat any cookies. I'm going to bed soon and tomorrow will be another day.
    Although I still am craving the cookies, I am proud I resisted.

    Thanks for the support!