Hi Everyone! Excited and a little bit nervous!

  • Hi Everyone-

    I just registered earlier today. Im excited to talk with other people and discuss the challenges and successes that come along with the wonderful world of weight loss.

    Ive struggled since i was a child with my weight but it has been a complete yoyo battle.

    Finally last June, my mom was having some heart problems. She went to the doctor and he said .... lose weight .... period. So he suggested the South Beach diet to her. Which she started and began losing the 35lbs she is down today.

    Well need less to day ... hearing about my mom scared me and she encouraged me to become healthy with her. So I started the South Beach diet and to date have lost 25lbs which I am happy about ... but now Ive been stuck for about a month and have not been doing so good.

    Ive been really hungry this month and have been craving alot of bad food. It may have to do with the amount of snow we got in PA ... Ive been in the house a lot more this month.

    However, now I have to get back on track and learn how to adopt this as a lifestyle and not a fad. That has always been my challenge.

    I want to lose another 20lbs in total to be at what my doctor and I feel is a good weight. Also i should note that I do have hypothyroidism which i have controlled for 10 years with meds but that definitely contributes to the struggle.

    Anyway I luv what I have read on here so far and hope to talk with more of you
  • to 3fc's JECES ~ congratulations to you and your mom on your successes so far. Stalling is common when trying to lose weight; it seems to happen no matter what plan you are on. I was just telling another lady that you may have to shake things up a bit; change what you are eating or how much each day to fool your body a bit. Sometimes, it is just a matter of tweaking your plan or adding in a bit of exercise; and keep on going.

    I think the most important thing is not to starve yourself; be sure to eat lots of good healthy foods each day. Always have some good snacks on hand for those times you are tempted to binge. Personally, I have 3 meals a day; plus a snack in between and in the evening becuz of pre-diabetes. Some people will even switch plans for a while to change things up, and it works.

    This is a very supportive place as you have already noticed; and there are lots of great people here too. We have age & weight related forums; food plan & exercise threads; dieting with obstacles forum (including Hypothyroidism threads); tons of info, and so much more. Look around, read lots, then just jump right in wherever you feel comfortable ...
  • Thank You very much! Appreciate it!