THE GYM ISSUE (Fat girl in a skinny world)

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  • So I am a member of the YMCA as is my family. I want to go work out there more often but I have noticed that people stare big time. I'm super short - midget sized almost and over 200 pounds. I look like a HUGE mushroom compared to the other sticks in their with their little butts and perfect boobs, tiny waists and so forth.
    I hop on the tread mill and start walking while I'm huffin and puffin and the little size 0 next to me is running full pace without breaking a sweat. The muscled guys are gawking at me and sneering as I'm barely making it ten minutes at the slowest pace.
    I could go on and on but I wont. I am sure you get it. Anyone else have this problem? I am just soo emberrassed. I hang my head in shame at the Y.
  • wow, I am so sorry. I can't believe they do that. When I see someone larger at the gym I think "wow, if they can do it I sure can."

    On the other hand I dropped the gym at the beginning of last summer and I haven't gone back. Why don't you start at home. The "walk the pounds off" dvds would work perfect for you. When you feel a bit better about yourself you can try the gym again.

    Whatever you do.....don't let the jerks of the world stop you!
  • I had this same problem until I realized it was all in my head. I'm not saying yours IS because obviously I'm not at your gym in your shoes but I realized it was in my head and I was using it as an excuse because I felt so bad about myself and felt embarassed to be working out next to the "thinner" people.

    Then one day I forgot my headphones and caught myself just looking at everyone around me and then thought "what else am I supposed to look at except the people around the gym when I'm just running (ok, so really just walking haha) on this thing" and then figured thats probably just what everyone does.

    Another thing I told myself for motivation to keep going and working out is "what could these people be thinking other than "wow she's got some weight to lose - but good for her she's here doing it"
    It's not like you're shoving your face at a fast food restaurant and they're looking at you. You are doing something about it! So I think sometimes it's our own opinons that hinder us and not really other peoples

    Hope this helps some!
  • Don't let the b*****s get you down! By getting out there and improving your fitness you're made of better stuff than people who stare and smirk (and like another poster, when I see someone large at the gym I send out a mental "Good for you!").
  • dear Heavenlymom,
    i'm sure everyone had this problem at one point in time - the first few times they got to the gym. most of the problem is in our head, but even if someone really is thinking that way of you, there is no reason for you to worry about it. you are doing the best thing one can do for one's health and weight loss and should be really proud of yourself! who cares what people around you think and why they stare!
    i look like a taller mushroom and i too noticed people stared in the beginning. in time, most of them stopped because they finally saw what they needed to see and were probably bored because i never reacted, as if they were not there, just went on with my exercise as if i were one of them, strong, healthy and slim. in time, i got stronger and stronger, those 10 minutes of sweating on the treadmill became 30 and more.
    months later, one of the guys approached me after i did my pushups, many of those (i actually enjoy that), and asked how do i do it, it seems so hard and i do it with such lightness.
    turns out, dear Heavenlymom, many of those people i felt embarrassed about stared and were impressed with my willpower and progress.

    so just focus on the treadmill and keep going, you are on the right way!
  • Thanks everyone. I'm glad to know it's not just me. I will just have to push through the stares and face forward. It'll be a hard process but I'm going to do it.
  • Quote: Thanks everyone. I'm glad to know it's not just me. I will just have to push through the stares and face forward. It'll be a hard process but I'm going to do it.
    Good for you! It will take time but you will feel comfortable working out
  • No more hanging your head in shame! You have as much right to be there as anyone else, and if the people at your Y have no manners, well, you can't help that their mothers didn't raise them right.

    You are doing what you need to do for *you*. That's awesome and inspiring and I bet a lot of those people will admire your commitment when you're still there sweating in six months (if they're still around to stare!)
  • keep your head high and keep going there and soon you will be gawked as the girl that looks hotter than that size 0 next to you! she may be skinny but your probably more beautiful!
  • I say keep going. Take the stares a an opportunity to get used to people looking at you. Once you get to goal, they be will looking and admiring and asking questions. YOU KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!!
  • I wonder if the trainers make bets on who will continue coming and who will drop out after a few sessions. If so, someone lost betting against me because I don't quit. Make them get so used to seeing you, that they think of you as one of the regulars.
  • I agree with people that a lot of it is in your head. Go you for sweating it out in the gym!! When I see someone at the gym who is bigger than I am I never judge and always give them credit for doing something to counteract the scale. Don't let the other people bring you down, you're doing this for you! Soon enough you will be that fit girl running effortlessly on the treadmill. KEEP IT UP!!!
  • I was so scared and tense when I first started going to the gym and I thought the same thing (that people were staring at me and thinking negative thoughts). I really don't think that is the case. Most people there are lost in their own thing and if anything, they would be thinking how great it is that you are there and are doing positive things for yourself.

    Please don't compare yourself to other people who are there. You are there for your own health!

    Congrats on going and I hope you will keep it up.
  • Heavenlymom: Keep going! For several reasons: 1) Yourself, i.e. your health, your family, your wellbeing and 2) You never know when a person larger, more out of shape, and even more self conscious than you is going to walk by and see you. You can be such an inspiration to that person, such a comfort to their self consciousness.

    I'm sure you're already seeing some differences, but I can guarantee that if you go, and go consistently, that it won't be long before you're doing 30-40 mins on the treadmill. Our bodies are such amazing things.

    Make them get so used to seeing you, that they think of you as one of the regulars.
    I so agree with this! I used to do the classes at my local Y (had to move away for school; I still miss that gym) and was almost always the biggest gal in the room and had to fight with some paranoid feelings that all the skinny gals were thinking how disgusting I am, etc. All that changed when I ran into one of those slim women at the bank after missing a class. I didn't even know her name, but she came over to me and was like "HEY, where were you?! You'd better not be skipping, we missed you!" I think most people are better than what we assume them to be.
  • HeavenlyMom just ignore them, and enjoy your workout. Maybe you can listen to some music on headphones or watch tv. There will always be people that aren't nice to us overweight people. You are doing something good for your health.