Goal weight by May 1st

  • I just wanted to write this down somewhere so I could have something to work towards.

    That gives me almost 11 weeks to drop 13.2lbs. Around 1.2lbs/week. Which is possible for me, I usually average around 1.5lbs/week. I am slowing my weight down a bit (on purpose, if you can believe it), and I'm focusing more on fitness.

    Nothing in particular happens on May 1, I just wanted a date to work towards. It seems like a long time from now, but these last 4 months have FLOWN by. I had no idea I'd lose the weight so fast. I also know that weight loss slows down as one gets smaller. So I'd like to be there by then, but if not, no worries I imagine I'll be closer to goal than I am now.
  • Wow! You've lost it so fast. Congratulatioons, and good luck with the last few pounds!
  • Wow! Grats on the weight loss thus far! That is awesome. You can certainly meet your next goal by May 1st. Keep up the great work!
  • Thanks you guys I'm just excited to get there already and then be a maintainer!