does anyone else find it hard to

  • kick your own butt? I've been working out on my own lately, and yeah I've lost weight, nd yeah I've been proud of what I'm acomplishing, but I'm just finding myself wondering if I could push myself farther if I had a video or a trainer telling me to? Does anyone have this issue?
  • I think having a trainer makes you more disciplined, but doing it on your own gives you the freedom to set the pace. In the end, I suppose it's just what you're comfortable with. When I had a trainer back in high school (I was in sports and while not thin, much thinner than I am now, and much more muscular), I enjoyed it, but if I had to pay for it on my own, I don't know if it would have been worth it to me.
  • I definitely think it's hard to kick my own butt, especially when I'm working out alone using dvds or whatever. I find it helps to work out with a friend - I feel like I'm letting her down if I quit, I want to show her I'm determined so I don't slack off whereas if I were alone I might skip a set of lunges or something. Plus, it's free!
  • I'm definitely right there with you. I have a hard time not saying to myself "well, I did this and that, that's pretty good" and not going beyond my comfort level. I have to remind myself that I won't get the results I want without the work. Ugh.
  • I'm different. If I had a trainer kicking my butt, I'd eventually begin to resent the trainer. I'm spiteful and I'll run away when I'm pushed, so if I need butt kicking I have to do it myself.

    It sucks, because I wish I could pay someone to yell at me.
  • I do way better in a class of some sort. DVDs don't seem to help because the people in the DVD can't see you. If I'm in a class with other people I don't want to embarrass myself by wimping out in front of a crowd. I never workout as hard when I'm by myself.
  • I have a hard time kicking my own butt. I wish I could afford a trainer lol
  • I tend to work harder if I'm in a class as opposed to using a DVD at home. But I've actually gotten very good at pushing myself harder. I focus on NOTHING else other than my workout and as I'm doing it I ask myself if I think I could do more. And then I try it! It doesn't always last for the whole workout but I'm gradually increasing my intensity by adding shorter bursts of power.