I can't get over my eating?

  • I can't get over eating. I can't get over this eating thing, is what I mean. I'm having a super rough time with it. I'll go a half a week with being good. But then something inside me snapes and I'll binge. I think I'm addicted to food. I don't know how to overcome it. I thought "yeah well if I just eat less, I won't want to eat as much" but well...I think I'm wrong. I can lose the weight, I can try to eat as "right" as I can for as long as I can, I can exercise, but what happens when all the weight is gone but the addiction is still there? I don't know how to get rid of it, I don't want to give up all of the foods I love (I've really been trying to moderate, serving sizes, etc) but I don't know what to do? Surely there are some other people on here with the same experience, so what did you do?
  • I don't have much in the way of advice, but I will say you are not alone. Many of us struggle with this on a daily basis. I think that you are recognizining the issues you have and that's a good starting point. Moderation is a good thing to think about. I don't know if it's possible to be "good" all the time. We all have our "bad" days. It's learning how to make them less often and how to recover that makes the difference. I'll let the pro's step in and handle the addiction aspect.
  • Dealing with food issues is soooooo hard. I think Gogirl008 is right and for a lot of us it is an addiction. When I started dealing with my food issues (binging, emotional eating) I treated it like an addiction and went cold turkey. I completely cut out all of the junk food, unhealthy food, fast food, sodas, candy, cookies, ... . For me, my relationship with food was seriously unhealthy and with my personality I needed to make a major change (with small changes I would quit or slowly slide back into my old habits). I was definitely in withdrawal for a few weeks and it was miserable, although I did learn it is nearly impossible for me to binge on oatmeal, lol. It was hard eating only 'healthy' foods, especially with my love of pizza and fast food, but it was the best way for me to make a lifestyle change and stick with it.

    It's been nearly a year and my food issues are mostly under control, and I can eat whatever I want, although I still choose to eat healthy. I don't buy or eat unhealthy foods or trigger foods, although I do have the self-control to eat those in moderation in public or with others (my self-control problems are worst when I'm home so I don't keep any of those foods at home). Going 'cold turkey' worked for me but I think it was an aligning of the fates because at any other time in my life I doubt it would have worked. Food issues are like any other addiction and I'd highly suggest trying out different programs/tools to help you deal with these issues (e.g talking with a counselor, calorie counting, ...). The key is to figure out what works for you. Best of luck on your journey & remember you're not alone!
  • I am in the same boat. I try to keep carrots around and force myself to eat them whenever I want to binge. They are kind of sweet and fill my stomach. It doesn't work all the time but its been helping me get through. I also allow myself one triangle of laughing cow cheese a day so I'll add that to the carrots sometimes too. I am finding myself lately thinking about food and eating constantly. It's a hard struggle so I feel your pain
  • Thank you to the both of you, and if I can say you're progress is very inspiring and amazing Gracie789.
    I totally get what you're saying (the both of you) but are there really professionals who deal with food addiction? I mean I'm aware of counselors and stuff. I'm tring calorie counting but then when it comes to things like eating out (well like locally, not at a chain like Applebees or Chilis, etc, where they have certain portioned foods) I get crazy.
    I get what you're saying but I'm afraid that even if I do these things it won't go away? I'm already getting very anxious with my eating habits and I know that this isn't healthy either (being so worried).
  • I found when I would do this part of the reason was because I was just eating too little. Maybe what you need to do is eat more overal and maybe even more during the day if you find you binge at night.

    So say you are on a strict 1200 calorie diet, change it up to 1500-1800 calories a day. I'm 205 and I eat 1300-1500 calories per day.
  • I have thought of that but then my fear of eating too much is still there. Like...I'm getting very, like I said, anxious about my eating habits. I'm afraid that I'll be eating too much at 1800 to be able to lose. I know that sounds kind of ridiculous as it's all about binging and that could be waaay over 1800 but...I really don't know how to describe what I'm feeling I guess.
  • Bunny -

    They might not ever go away. You have to make the decision to be mindful for the long haul. If you know you have an issue it's all about planning, setting up your environment (like Gracie789 I don't keep junk in the house even "good" foods I'm bad with controlling) and making the commitment to yourself to keep going. One bad binge day does not make for the end of the world.

    Lots of us have issues like you.

    What has worked for me personally:

    Cutting back on carbs, grains, sugars. Not cutting OUT and not LOW carb... but trying to take a more moderate road with it. This does make the cravings somewhat better. Keeping more healthy foods around and taking Multi-Vitamin and B-Complex. Journal my food (i.e. track calories and track my deficit created with exercise) I also exercise quite a bit.

    I know you don't want to give up what you love. I was really resistant to that for a long time. I have a BAD sweet tooth and once I get started it's hard for me to stop. I try and limit the foods I know are harder to control and only eat them as a treat... or eat them out.

    I still make mistakes but I don't let them roll into weeks or months of giving up. You mess up one day... just move on. I actually had 3,100 calories today. Not a big deal. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Quote: I have thought of that but then my fear of eating too much is still there. Like...I'm getting very, like I said, anxious about my eating habits. I'm afraid that I'll be eating too much at 1800 to be able to lose. I know that sounds kind of ridiculous as it's all about binging and that could be waaay over 1800 but...I really don't know how to describe what I'm feeling I guess.
    If 1800 makes you nervous... try splitting the difference. I find if I go too low I also have trouble keeping on track. You should be able to lose fine at 1600-1800 at your weight especially if your throw in some exercise.
  • Okay, I see what you're saying (sorry if I sound repetative). What do the vitamins help with (well there's the obvious but for you personally) may I ask? I totally see what you're saying with everything else, too.
  • When you cut back on calories it's hard to make sure you get all the vitamins you need from your diet alone... So it's just a back-up to make sure your body is getting what it needs. It may or may not help with cravings... (I'm not convinced, but hey it can't hurt)

    You should work on your overall nutrition in the long run though, but one thing at a time.
  • Oh okay. My mom has been pushing me to take vitamins so I was just wondering what they did you for. Yes, nutrition in the long run is my goal, but for now it's eating =].