Spring Fever(what can't you wait to do when it's warmer)

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  • I'm sitting in the house, I've done my exercise for the day, it's beautifully sunny out-but it's freezing cold! I could put on my hat, gloves, boots and warm coat and ride my bike to the mall. I think it takes 3.5 minutes to get there. I could walk around inside and window shop...but I have all these heavy clothes!

    What I really want is for the snow to melt and warm up to about 50 degrees. I want to get on my bike and ride to town, to the pool and back, on the trail by the river. It's coming soon, I can tell...but not today...or probably tomorrow.

    I love my bike-4 years ago I was too fat and out of shape to ride. I guess in some respects, my bike is a symbol of my new life.

    I know, some of you live where it's warm already, but for the rest of us, "What can't you wait to do when it's warmer?"
  • Go for a walk without a jacket, hat and gloves!
    Hike to Woodsman's Peak.
    Get the kayaks out.
    Work in the garden and yard.

    There are more, but these are the ones I've been daydreaming about lately. lol
  • It's warm here compared to there, but it's cold for us Southern, wimpy chicks.

    I'm ready to work in the garden and eat fresh tomatoes. To read a book on the porch swing in the pavilion. To ride with my windows down. Bring on spring!
  • Sit on the deck with a glass of wine.
    Definitely work on the garden and go for a long walk along Lake Ontario
    go strawberry picking
    take care
  • I love this thread! Thanks for bringing springy thoughts to my day, Debbie.

    I also want to get back on my bike outside. DH and I ride together and I think that the 50s are about my lowest temps. I also want to add some afternoon walks for the extra calorie burn, snack avoidance, and just being outside.

    Besides, come spring I will be thinner!
  • Oh, I'm all about this thread! I can't wait to go camping! Our RV has been in storage since October Can't wait for evening walks in the woods, fishing, swimming...ahhh.

    I am also thinking about buying a bike! I haven't ridden one in years. I'm hoping I'll be in shape enough to ride by this summer.

    Just getting out and walking down the road without worrying about cars sliding into you sounds good about now! Bring on spring.
  • I'd like to:

    Start running outside
    Sit outside and have a glass of wine on my new balcony
    Eat dinner outside

    Anyone notice a theme here? LOL. I'm so sick of this cold miserable weather it's ridiculous.
  • Another 10" of snow here and below 0 wind chill. We don't own a snowblower & we're really tired of shoveling this winter!

    I can't wait to sit out on my patio with my firepit going before the weather gets hot and visit with friends.
    I can't wait to let my puppies out without having them come back in completely caked in snow. (Even though they love to play in the snow!)
    I'm anxious for tulips, daffodils and lilacs.
    I want my goldfinches to come back to the feeder.
    I'm anxious for longer days and farmer's market that starts up May 1st.
    I have a bike trail behind my house I'm eager to start walking on it again. It's 3/4 mile from my house to the gym on the trail and I go past the Library too. Makes for a lovely stroll with my husband.
  • Sounds great everyone! Update-I put on all my warm clothes and rode the bike to the greenhouse where I practiced deep breathing and came home. 15 min more exercise felt good and I got a little sunshine, too. It does seem that winter has been extra long, but I think these next 6 weeks will fly by really fast....and as Karen says, we can be skinnier!
  • Oh, thoughts of Spring! It's pretty hard to imagine right now, but I'll close my eyes and dream of warm, sunny days.

    I can't wait to feel the warm garden soil in my hands while planting my flowers and vegetable garden.

    Enjoy an evening glass of wine out on the patio.

    Playing and lounging around the pool.

    Sleeping with the windows open.
  • Ohhhhh

    I wanna be healthy enough to ride my bike again! The ReCenter is 2.5 miles away - should be a good goal to aspire to!

    Also, I want to be able to play tennis again. DW and I bought racquets last summer and have yet to use them...
  • Debbie you are a trooper! I can't even make myself walk outside.

    I miss my garden most of all. I'm also really looking forward to getting my exercise outdoors. I love those walks every night, so good for the head.

    I'm also planning the first camping trip of the spring. I love to go in early June before the kids are out of school when things are still quiet.

    lovely thoughts on a cold night
  • I don't envy any of you with snow at all! (Though I used to!) I'm from the south and we've had an actual (cold!) winter this year. I didn't realize how miserable cold weather could be - lol! I'm ready for warm weather.. My bouganvillea (sp?) and hibiscus and pineapples are sad and dead in my flower beds. I can't wait to replant all of that... new design should be fun
  • So many things. I am DONE with winter.

    Start *really* working my horses for the season
    Drive with my sunroof open
    Watch the sunset from my back deck
  • Quote: I'm from the south and we've had an actual (cold!) winter this year.
    Ohmai, where are you?