Need help with "plateau"

  • I started MF on Jan 8th. Lost 6.2lbs the first week and 6.4 the second. During the third week my weight went up and down and my scale stopped with a .4 loss. Now at the end of week four I've only lost an additional 1.2lbs! I'm so frustrated. I've been at the gym every day this week taking a zumba class and I am 100% on plan. So why is my body so desperately clinging to this weight?

    Any suggestions for a metabolism boost?

  • I can understand your frustration! I also had a stall in week 3. It can be very discouraging.
    All I can suggest is to up your water if you haven't already, make sure you're getting in all 5 MF meals, and eat the leanest and greenest on the list for your L/G meal. And make sure you're watcihng your condiments and salt, etc...
    I would also consider that while starting an excersizing routine your body may slow wt loss, muscles may hold on to a bit of water, and your body is readjusting.

    It WILL come off if you are on plan 100%. Don't get discouraged!!
    You are doing GREAT so far! Hang in there!


    PS: I've found that the scale makes me NUTS and for my own sanity I only weigh in WEEKLY...
  • Don't get discouraged. Weight loss on the scale does not always parallel fat lose especially if you are exercising a lot. Keep up the great work your doing staying on plan and exercising and there will be results.