Hello, hello!

  • Hello all!

    This is my first time on 3FC and I figured I'd jump right in. I'm 26 years old and I've stuggled with my weight my whole life. The first time I really tried to do something about it was probably aout 3 years ago when I joined Weight Watchers. I managed to lose 45 pounds in 6 months. But I got tired of constantly counting points and THINKING about what I was eating. After gaining about 15 of the lbs back, I went back to WW in Oct. 2008, but it wasn't the same; I wasn't as motivated. So since then I've been kind of half working at the program without much success.

    At this point I figure connecting with others so are/have been where I am will give me some motivation I really want to get the drive I had 3 years ago back.
  • Hello and welcome! I am glad you are joining us.

    I wish you the best on your weight loss journey!


  • Hello! Welcome to 3FC! This is a great site for information and support.

    Have a look around the forums and post wherever you feel comfortable. There is a great Weight Watchers forum that might be able to help you with all things Weight Watcher.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Welcome!
  • Hi AmesNic!
    YAY, another Loosiana girl! - congrats on all your success so far, you've done great - the support you need is here - we'll all be here to cheer you on.

    Glad to have you join us! There are lots & lots of different groups and forums - I'm sure you'll find some that will keep you motivated and inspired - you'll be a wonderful addition to any of them. Try the 20 somethings and the weight loss support forums, they're active and very helpful - also the Success stories are a definite must for motivation.

    There are bunches of people here with more to lose and some with less - the bottom line is that we all have to do it a day at a time. The good thing is that we'll have lots of company along the way.

    I've only been here since last fall, having NEVER been part of an online forum. What has been so eye-opening is how much it has helped me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or defeated, I just log on and read some of the success stories, complete with their before & after photos - or read about others still dealing day to day with their challenges - and before I know it, the time has flown by and so have all the thoughts of going off track or giving up. It has made all the difference in my success so far.

    So welcome - you've found the right place - join in by inspiring us and being inspired!

    All the best - good luck with your goals - GO SAINTS!,