Today I feel Pretty

  • I woke up this morning and tried on a suit I haven't been able to wear in I know a year. Well I put it on and it fit well enough to wear. I didn't because I didn't want to wear heels.

    Last night my niece styled my hair and I love it. When I got dressed this morning I put on some slacks I've been wearing but they were squeezing my waist so tight I could see imprints after I took them off. They are really loose and comfy, and I got the turtleneck and wrap on and when I finished getting dressed I just felt pretty. I was running around singing I feel pretty. I made my husband take my picture. When I got to work I walked past the HR Director and she told me I looked "Pretty". Of course it doesn't take much to get me all excited so I was back at my desk doing the "Happy Dance"!!
  • Way to go! That is awesome! I love it when I have those days! You are pretty, by the way!
  • What a good feeling! You deserve that happy dance!
  • Isn't that a great feeling. Somedays you just know you look good. Lose some weight, get a new hairdo and put on something that used to be tight and isn't anymore. Then to actually have someone notice you look good. A great day for sure for you.
  • It's so great to feel pretty, isn't it? I don't feel that way most days, but sometimes it all just seems to click and I just feel so lighthearted and happy and yes, even pretty! Thanks for sharing your happy moment with us.
  • Congrats, I know days like this give you the motivation to keep going.
  • We'd all love to see the pic, can you post it?
  • I will post the pic tonight when I get home.
  • yay
    I cant wait to share these same feelings.
  • Aww congrats! That is awesome!
  • Aww congrats! That is awesome!
  • Yay for pretty feelings and days! I'm happy for each and everything you posted

    You ARE Pretty, oh so PRETTY!!!
  • CONGRATS! That's great!
  • I love days like that....good for you!