How can I stop eating so much chocolate?!?!

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  • I agree that 200 grams is a lot, but depending on what type you are eating chocolate is not bad for you.

    In fact, dark chocolate is quite healthy.

    I don't know what kind of chocolate you are eating, but I find dark chocolate to be way more satisfying than milk chocolate. Why not eat only 100 grams of good quality dark chocolate per day and just work it into your plan?

    I think when you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. You may find that once it's no longer a taboo food you'll crave it less.
  • I don't think you need to "stop" altogether if you can learn to eat it in moderation.
    I have a huge sweet tooth so I also have problems when there are cakes, ice cream, candy in front of me but I've learned that normally the first bite is the MOST satisfiying. Even when I used to binge, it wasn't because the chocolate continued to be SOOOO delicious. I was trying to fill an emotional void in my life.

    I actually allow myself sweets from time to time and just fit it into my calories. If I banned myself from having it, I would probably cave and eat it until I was sick. My mentality changed when I started on my journey.

    I choose not to eat ______. It's not because I can't.. I can! I just need to eat it in smart portions This mentality shift has empowered me more than any diet in the past has.

    Best of luck to you! Dark chocolate actually does taste really good. They have those individually wrapped ones by lindt, hersey's ... all really good
  • A nice smooth piece of dark chocolate works wonders for my insane chocolate cravings! The darker the better.
  • For me, it was about 2 months of cold turkey. And the cravings sssuuuuuuccckkkkkeeedddd!!!! But after a while, it didn't even sound appealing! Now, I enjoy 1 nice peice of dark chocolate.
  • Use the chocolate as flavoring for filling up with more nutritious foods. Melt it and dip apple slices or bananas in it. All the fiber you get from the fruit will cut down on how much of the chocolate you eat. I used to melt 2 Dove Dark squares to make hot chocolate milk. Even if I drank 3 cups, I had only 1.5 oz of chocolate but had gotten 3 cups of dairy (recommended for woman my age). Chocolate chips in oatmeal, etc.
  • I was addicted to chocolate, too. I just decided to only have it every once in while, but it is SO hard to say no to the cravings. It also pesters my mind like an addiction. I need my ritter sport.. but I thought... this chocolate is what made me fat, so it is the first thing that must go.
  • I've been shaving 2-3 chocolate squares into lowfat vanilla yogurt lately. Gives me the chocolate flavor mixed with something good for me. I do try to use dark chocolate most of the time.

    I had to go cold turkey myself on the chocolate for a while, early in the process.
  • I used chocolate pudding cups, chocolate protein shakes, and dark chocolate.
  • My sister and I both consider ourselves chocolate addicts, so about a month ago we cut it out, cold turkey. It sucks but it had to be done. We have found that doing it together is what has helped, I tried on my own many times and failed. Having someone suffering with me makes a big difference. So my advice is find a buddy, even if you don't go cold turkey.
  • oddly enough, i've used prunes. the sweetness really fulfills the craving for sweet, and the fiber fills you up and makes you full, plus, since prunes are filling which means I only eat like 3 at a time, they end up being relatively cheap!
  • First of all it will get easier. Take it from me I should know! I use to spend so much money on chocolate. In my defense who is going to turn down swiss chocolate! I would buy bars of it and sadly would eat it all. I remember times eating at least two bars daily because I loved it.

    I was given the advice of trying dark chocolate, but I'm not a fan.

    The hardest thing you will do is stop cold turkey, but it is worth it. I can now safely go in the grocery store and even down the candy aisle and not want to load the cart up with chocolate. When I stopped it was HARD. I wanted it but I had to tell myself that I wanted to lose weight more. I don't allow myself any still, because I am not at a point where I will be able to control myself if I have a bar. I know me and while I may not have a problem avoiding it, it is a different story if I'm given some.

    Everyone is different in how they stop their addictions. Just believe that you can and you will. I thought that I wouldn't be able to stop, and I wasn't. When I started to believe that I could stop, I did. Good Luck!!!!!
  • I have found the solution for my chocolate craving. I bought the quaker bite size rice "chips" that are chocolate flavored and they are really good. Let's me have a little chocolate flavor and doesn't kill my calories for the day.
  • well, I have some idea, dunno if they'll help but here we go. Dark chocolate is better for you, less sugar less cals... so might help. Also, maybe use a dietish chocolate drink mix and skim milk to get ur fix? just throwin things out there...
  • ooh yeah those choc crisps arent bad at all... toffee too, but for some reason waay better than the rounds.. go figure.