Braxton Hicks ?

  • I'm closing in on my 14th week. Its mild (probably because its still small) but I feel BH. I've had them with the last 2 pregnancies so I know its them. The way I know is that I always get a visual of Daffy Duck being squeezed by that giant dude everytime I get one, I know its weird but that's how my brain operates, LOL. So to have that going on seems too soon.....isn't it?
  • I've gotten them at 16 weeks with my 1st, so it's very possible! The more kids you have, the more you feel them and sooner
  • good to know. Wile pregnant with my #3 I started getting BH at around 4 months, my OB/GYN was thinking I was miscarrying. I freaking out for the next 3 months thinking I was gonna lose the baby.
    So getting them this soon made me wonder if I should call my midwife.
  • I started getting them around 12ish weeks this last pg, didn't ever have them the first time around
  • I never have them early on i usually have then 25+ weeks and its ALWAYS pre-term labor.
  • I got them really early with my second child too! I can't remember how early, but I remember being worried! My doc said it was normal with second and third pregnancys to get them early!! If you are really woried you should see your doc just for peace of mind!!
  • thx, not really worried. just that "Hello!" factor. They're not as frequent and feels mild. I did see my midwife that week and she wasn't at all concerned. We heard the heart beat so we know baby is fine.
  • Quote: thx, not really worried. just that "Hello!" factor. They're not as frequent and feels mild. I did see my midwife that week and she wasn't at all concerned. We heard the heart beat so we know baby is fine.
    Glad you're doing okay! It's so nice to see another midwife mama on here! We saw a midwife during my pregnancy and hope to do so again.