
  • ladies PLEASE help! I want to SO badly lose around 30 pounds, but I can't seem to find the motivation. It's like I wake up in the morning ready to eat right, get some extra excercise and then lunch time comes, or I get bored and I just want to eat ridiculous foods. I guess I just need that lil push to get things started. Anyone else start off this way? What helped you?
  • I tried a few times last year but just completely lost any motivation that I woke up with around lunch time and then when evening hit..that was BAD! I didn't have any sort of plan or goals for myself at that time though.

    Do you have any sort of plan to follow? Try writing everything you eat down for a week and then slowly start changing different things about what you eat. It doesn't have to be all or nothing!
  • The first week or two in my opinion is the hardest because you are working through the pain, changing eating habits. It's very difficult. You can do it if you have the right motivation. Find it through love for yourself, your family maybe.